Intended for Debian based systems only (Ubuntu, Mint, etc)
This script installs Ruby, Rails, and Rubygems using the following mechanisms:
- Downloads all the dependencies using apt-get.
- Downloads and installs rbenv and the ruby-build plugin to $HOME/.rbenv.
- Updates $PATH to include .rbenv/bin, .gems/bin, .rbenv/shims, and . (current directory)
- Installs Ruby "2.0.0-p194" using the ruby-build to $HOME/.rbenv/versions
- Installs latest RubyGems
- Configures a .gemrc that disables all documentation.
- Installs Ruby gems: rails heroku foreman spork guard-spork guard bundle.
- Installs latest Node.js
- Installs latest NPM
- Installs Node gems: yo, compass, grunt-cli, bower, angular.
To install this, copy/paste into a terminal:
git clone && chmod +x Dev-Setup/ && ./Dev-Setup/