#Exame-Generator Desktop Application in java ##With GUI
if you a Teacher you can use it to Manage you Courses and Generate MCQ Exames automatically,it's Simple and easy to use
##program Features:
- you can add all Courses separately to mange it.
- you can add , delete , modify all question in any existent Subject.
- you can Generate MCQ Exams on one click in PDF formate using Latex automatically.
- you can Control your exames before Generate it:
- Choice Exame Level of difficulty Easy , medium or Hard.
- Choice Number of Models that you want.
- Choice Number of Question in Exame.
- the automatic correction for MCQ Ansswer Cheet will be add soon.
##Build using :
- Java.
- Latex : to Generate Exame in PDF formate.
- XML : to Save Exame info in XML Files.
##there exist 2 Backages
- HCI-project : have Question , Examinfo , Management Class ..etc
- GUI : have GUI Class
##How use it >
- you should Create new Subject.
- Add Questions in your subject.
- You can Click on Generat Exam button to Control in Exame Options.
- when finish Click on Button OK to Generat your exame.
- your Exame will Generate as PDF formate using LATEX.
##How run it > ######run it using netbeans or eclibse.
######Builde by @moroclash , @MohamedRadwan in 2016