Releases: moschi/gtt-charts
Third alpha release, second update
Allows options to define title for markdown generated
Third alpha release
This release includes the implementation for running a health report on the data.
This health report might help in discovering inconsistencies in gitlabs timetracking stats, or custom inconsistencies for a specific settings. Please refer to the documentation for further information on the health report feature.
Second alpha release, third update
This update addresses two things:
- usernames are now ordered alphabetically in charts. This was done to increase comparability across different dates of use, since before the order was depending on who entered time spent last
- gttcharts now is able to handle the remove_time_spent command, correctly invalidating and ignoring all time records of an issue that were made before issuing said command
Second alpha release, second update
This update fixes a bug where weeknumbers weren't calculated properly, and a bug where negative time spent wasn't parsed correctly.
Second alpha release, first update
This release includes CMD arguments for Token, API URL and Project path. This allows for easier integration into gitlab CI
Second alpha release
This release eliminates the need for external projects / scripts.
From now on, Gitlab API is called directly to gather timetracking data.
First alpha release
This release - while working for my personal limited use - is not thoroughly tested.