is an open source commercial level audio and video iOS demo application developed by Movieous based on MovieousPlayer、MovieousLive and MovieousShortVideo. It provides various functions including live broadcast and short video play, live broadcast, short video creatiin and upload, and it is also a great resource to learn how to use these SDKs.
Read this in other languages: English, 简体中文.
- Short video play
- Short video record
- Short video edit
- Short video upload
iOS 9.0 or later
To run this demo, you must use CocoaPods to install dependencies, if you haven't installed CocoaPods, you can refer to the following steps to install
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries in your projects. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
CocoaPods 0.39.0+ is required to build MovieousShortVideo.
find directory where Podfile
is in, run pod install
in terminal and wait the command's completion
please contact Sales to retrieve trial licenses
fill [TuSDK initSdkWithAppKey:@""]
method in AppDelegate.h
with TuSDK license。(if you don't need these functions, you can omit this step)
drop SENSEME.lic
to the project and check MovieousDemo
in Add to target
. (if you don't need these functions, you can omit this step)
paste content in your FU license to Vendor/Faceunity/authpack.h
. (if you don't need these functions, you can omit this step)
Please feedback the problem by submitting issues on GitHub's repo if any problems you got, describe it as clearly as possible, It would be nice if an error message or screenshot also came together, and pointed out the type of bug or other issues in Labels.