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tianchaijz's Vim configuration

This Vim configuration is well organized and with many features, you will soon be used to it.

Installation / Upgrading

One command does it all.

curl -o - | sh

Don't worry, it will back up your existing Vim configuration.


These keybindings organized into logical groups to help you remember them.

Running Things

If you open a tmux terminal alongside Vim then you can run commands, tests, and a REPL from your Vim selections.


Key Action
,rs Send selected text to tmux
,rv Change tmux session, window, and pane attachment
,rT Run all tests in open feature
,rt Run test under cursor


Key Action
C-c C-c Send selected text to tmux
C-c v Change tmux session, window, and pane attachment


Key Action
,tu Generate or update ctags
,tt Open list of methods, classes, etc


Key Action
,g? Last-committed files (Monday morning key)
,gs Git status (fugitive)
,gg Git grep
,gl Git log (extradition)
,gd Git diff
,gb Git blame


Key Action
,a= Align on equal signs
,a, Align on commas
,a| Align on vertical bar
,ap Align on character of your choice


Key Action
vai Select whole block at indentation
vii Select inside block at indentation
var Select whole Ruby block
vir Select inside Ruby block


Key Action
zM Fold everything
zm Increase the foldlevel by one
zR Unfold everything
zr Decrease the foldlevel by one
zA Recursively toggle the current fold
za Toggle the current fold
zO Open all folds at the cursor
zo Open a fold at the cursor
zE Delete all folds
zd Delete the fold at the cursor
zc Close a fold under cursor
zj Move the cursor to the next fold
zk Move the cursor to the previous fold
[z Move to start of open fold
]z Move to end of open fold


Key Action
,2s Convert symbol under cursor from symbol to string
,2y Convert string under cursor from string to symbol
,2_ Convert string under cursor to snake_case
,2c Convert string under cursor to camelCase
,2m Convert string under cursor to MixedCase
,2u Convert string under cursor to SNAKE_UPPERCASE
,2- Convert string under cursor to dash-case

Splits and find file

Key Action
,<space> Fuzzy file find (C-p)
,sj Open split below
,sk Open split above
,sh Open split leftward
,sl Open split rightward


Key Action
,u Interactive undo tree
,ss Enable spell checking
,hc Toggle highlighting of current column
,e Open file prompt with current path
,<cr> Clear search highlights
,r Redraw screen
Q Move previous tab or buffer
W Move next tab or buffer
gS Split a one-liner into multiple lines
gJ Join a block into a single-line statement
C-h/j/k/l Moving between spilt windows
C-p Toggle ctrlp
Alt-1~9 Switch between multiple buffers
:Ack or ,a Toggle Ack searching
,c<space> Toggle comment
F2 Toggle paste
F3 Toggle Indent Guides
F4 Toggle tagbar
F5 Toggle Nerd-Tree file viewer
F10 Toggle line number


Compile Vim with --enable-pythoninterp and --enable-rubyinterp to enable powerful syntax completion supplied by neocomplcache.

For Mac OS X,

brew install macvim --override-system-vim
brew install ack ctags

For Arch Linux,

yaourt -S gvim
yaourt -S ack ctags


Just refer help docs, like:

:help text-objexts
:help surround
:help tabular

Syntax Check

For syntax check tools:

Languages Lint Tools Install guide
C gcc built-in
CPP g++ built-in
CoffeeScript coffee npm install -g coffeelint
CSS csslint npm install -g csslint
Erlang escript built-in
Go go built-in
Haml haml built-in
Haskell ghc-mod cabal install ghc-mod
HTML tidy built-in
Java javac built-in
Javascript jshint npm install -g jshint
Json jsonlint npm install -g jsonlint
Less lessc built-in
Lisp clisp built-in
Lua luac built-in
Perl perl built-in
PHP php built-in
Puppet puppet built-in
Python pyflakes sudo pip install pyflakes
Ruby ruby built-in
Scala scala built-in
Sass sass built-in
Scss scss/compass gem install compass
XML xmllint built-in
YAML js-yaml npm install -g js-yaml

How to manage this dot-vimrc?

All plugins are listed in bundles.vim with detailed comments, just add plugins as you like.

  1. :PluginClean to clean up unused plugins
  2. :PluginInstall to install newly added plugins
  3. :PluginUpdate to upgrade all plugins

Other configurations are also well organized in vimrc.

If you want to synchronize with my configuration, just run again.

Happy coding with Vim!


tianchaijz's Vim config.






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  • Vim Script 92.3%
  • Shell 7.7%