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MAIN DEVELOPMENT WAS MOVED TO: RVVRadar is a framework to support the programmer over the four major steps of development, verification, measurement and evaluation during the vectorization process of algorithms for the RISC-V Vector extension (RVV).


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(C) 2022 Manfred Schlaegl [email protected]

RVVRadar is a framework to support the programmer over the four major steps of development, verification, measurement and evaluation during the vectorization process of algorithms for the RISC-V Vector extension (RVV).

Development was started in the context of a bachelor theses at the Institute for Complex Systems (ICS), JKU Linz. With RVVRadar: A Framework for Supporting the Programmer in Vectorization for RISC-V there is also a paper resulting from this work. A BibTex entry to cite to the paper can be found in the last section. Special thanks to Dr. Daniel Große and Lucas Klemmer, MSc for advise and mentoring.

A first practical application of RVVRadar was the speed up of PNG decompression in libpng, which is presented in libpng_rvv: A RISC-V vector optimized libpng.

RVVRadar is mainly released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0. To facilitate reuse of included algorithm implementations, these implementations are licensed under the terms of the MIT permissive license. See the file COPYING for details.

Supported RVV Drafts (autodetected by configure):

  • v0.7
    • implemented
    • tested on Allwinner D1
  • v0.8
    • implemented
    • tested on Allwinner D1 (with binary compatible v0.7.1)
  • v0.9/v0.10/v1.0
    • implemented
    • v0.9 tested on Allwinner D1 (with binary compatible v0.7.1)
    • v0.10 and v1.0 tested on qemu_sifive (rvv-1.0-upstream-v10) using linux-5.15.6 + vector v9


Leveraging the vector potential in the software is a very challenging task. Multiple development iterations when implementing/optimizing algorithms for RVV including verification, measurements, and evaluation are necessary. Moreover, algorithms usually serve a practical purpose in a bigger context and are therefore integrated into larger software systems. This leads to five practical challenges:

  1. run-time results of algorithms that are deeply integrated into large software systems are often difficult to access and therefore hard to verify,
  2. instrumentation for run-time measurements is hard to integrate and maintain in existing software systems,
  3. instrumentation must be specifically implemented for every software system,
  4. run-time instrumentation and verification is specific for every software system which makes it hard to get comparable results, and finally
  5. the performance of specific implementations may vary between different hardware platforms.

RVVRadar tackles these challenges. It provides a standardized framework to support programmers in development, verification, measurement and evaluation of vectorized algorithms.

RVVRadar follows a bottom-up design approach. When a new algorithm has to be implemented for some target software system, it is added to the framework including a baseline implementation. In an iterative manner, programmers can add new optimized implementations to RVVRadar. When the framework is executed on a target hardware platform it automatically verifies and measures the performance of all implementations and generates standardized statistics. Based on these statistics the implementations can be optimized or a completely new implementation can be added.

Directory Structure

  • core .. RVVRadar framework
    • algset.c/h .. Main framework and API
    • chrono.c/h .. Timing measurement and statistics
    • rvv_helpers.h .. rvv helper macros to support different RVV drafts
  • algorithms .. Included Algorithms and their implementations
    • memcpy .. "simple" copy of elements from one memory location to another.
    • mac_8_16_32 .. muliple-accumulate which multiplies two fields with 16bit values and adds them in-place to a given 32bit value field
    • mac_16_32_32 .. multiply-accumulate which multiplies two fields with 8bit values, then adds a field with 16bit values and saves the result in a dedicated 32bit result field
    • png_filters .. png filter types: up, sub, avg, path for RGB and RGBA

Configuration, Build & Install



Determines if the used toolchain supports RISC-V, RVV, which version/draft of RVV and sets install prefix.

Build is also possible, if RISC-V or RVV is not supported by the used toolchain, but implementations depending on them are excluded in this case.



Variable: "debug" (Examples below)

  • debug=1 .. no optimization (except algorithm implementations, debug symbols, unstripped install
  • debug=0 .. optimization, no debug symbols, stripped install


Install to configured prefix (default="/usr/local/bin")

make install


Clean all build artefacts

make clean

Clean all build artefacts and configuration

make distclean


Configure build and install to /usr/local/bin

make install

Configure, build and install to /opt/rvvradar/bin

./configure --prefix=/opt/rvvradar install
make install

Build for debug (unstripped and with debug symbols)

make clean
make debug=1


Online Help

RVVRadar-0.8 (C) 2021 Manfred Schlaegl <[email protected]>
RISC-V support is disabled

Usage: ./RVVRadar options

  --algs_enabled|-a <algs_mask>
     Bitmask of algorithms to run (hexadecimal).
       bit             algorithm
         0             memcpy
         1             mac_16_32_32 (32bit += 16bit * 16bit)
         2             mac_8_16_32  (32bit = 16bit + 8bit * 8bit)
         3             png_filter_up3
         4             png_filter_up4
         5             png_filter_sub3
         6             png_filter_sub4
         7             png_filter_avg3
         8             png_filter_avg4
         9             png_filter_paeth3
        10             png_filter_paeth4

  --iterations|-i <#iterations>
     Number of iterations to run each algorithm implementation.

  --len_start|-s <#elements>
     Initial number of elements to run algorithm implementations
     (Will be doubled until len_end is reached).

  [--len_end|-e <#elements>]
     Final number of elements to run algorithm implementations
     (len_start will be doubled until len_end is reached).
     (Default: value given with --len_start)

  [--randseed|-r <seed>]
     Set random seed for test data.
     (Default: 0)

     Enable verification of algorithm implementation results.
     Enable this, if you want to make sure, that calculations
     are correct (e.g. while development, functional tests, ...).
     Leave it disabled if you want to execute with as little
     interference (caches, ...) as possible.
     (Default: false)

     Prevent human readable output (progress and statistics).
     (Default: false)

     Print this help.

  stdout: results as comma separated values (csv).
          (including column headers)
  stderr: human readable output (supressed if quiet was set)
          and errors (independent of quiet).


Run and Verify all Implementations of ''memcpy'' with a single run on 256 bytes

RVVRadar -a 0x1 -s 256 -i 1 -v

Human readable output on stderr:

RVVRadar-0.8 (C) 2021 Manfred Schlaegl <[email protected]>
RISC-V support is enabled
RISC-V RVV support is enabled (v0.7)

 + parameters:
   + randseed:       0
   + verify:         true
   + iterations:     1
   + len_start:      256
   + len_end:        256
   + algs_enabled: 0x1
 + set: RVVRadar
   + algorithm: memcpy(len=256)
     + implementation: c byte noavect
       + runs:  1
       + fails: 0
       + timing:
         + nmeasure:    1
         + min [ns]:    4792
         + max [ns]:    4792
         + mean [ns]:   4792
         + var [ns]:    0
         + stdev [ns]:  0
         + median [ns]: 4792
         + hist[000]:       1 [4792, 4792]
         + hist[001]:       0 [4793, 4793]
         + hist[002]:       0 [4794, 4794]
         + hist[003]:       0 [4795, 4795]
         + hist[004]:       0 [4796, 4796]
         + hist[005]:       0 [4797, 4797]
         + hist[006]:       0 [4798, 4798]
         + hist[007]:       0 [4799, 4799]
         + hist[008]:       0 [4800, 4800]
         + hist[009]:       0 [4801, 4801]
         + hist[010]:       0 [4802, 4802]
         + hist[011]:       0 [4803, 4803]
         + hist[012]:       0 [4804, 4804]
         + hist[013]:       0 [4805, 4805]
         + hist[014]:       0 [4806, 4806]
         + hist[015]:       0 [4807, 4807]
         + hist[016]:       0 [4808, 4808]
         + hist[017]:       0 [4809, 4809]
         + hist[018]:       0 [4810, 4810]
         + hist[019]:       0 [4811, 4811]

Machine interpretable output on stdout:

set;algorithm(parameters);implementation;runs;fails;nmeasure;tdmin [ns];tdmax [ns];tdmean [ns];tdvar [ns];tdstdev [ns];tdmedian [ns];nbuckets;hist_bucket[0];hist_bucket[1];hist_bucket[2];hist_bucket[3];hist_bucket[4];hist_bucket[5];hist_bucket[6];hist_bucket[7];hist_bucket[8];hist_bucket[9];hist_bucket[10];hist_bucket[11];hist_bucket[12];hist_bucket[13];hist_bucket[14];hist_bucket[15];hist_bucket[16];hist_bucket[17];hist_bucket[18];hist_bucket[19]
RVVRadar;memcpy(len=256);c byte noavect;1;0;1;5459;5459;5459;0;0;5459;20;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
RVVRadar;memcpy(len=256);4 int regs;1;0;1;4625;4625;4625;0;0;4625;20;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
RVVRadar;memcpy(len=256);c byte avect;1;0;1;4541;4541;4541;0;0;4541;20;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
RVVRadar;memcpy(len=256);rvv 32bit elements (no grouping);1;0;1;4292;4292;4292;0;0;4292;20;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
RVVRadar;memcpy(len=256);rvv 8bit elements (no grouping);1;0;1;4625;4625;4625;0;0;4625;20;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
RVVRadar;memcpy(len=256);rvv 8bit elements (group two);1;0;1;4375;4375;4375;0;0;4375;20;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
RVVRadar;memcpy(len=256);rvv 8bit elements (group four);1;0;1;3125;3125;3125;0;0;3125;20;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
RVVRadar;memcpy(len=256);rvv 8bit elements (group eight);1;0;1;4334;4334;4334;0;0;4334;20;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0

Check for fails in human readable or machine interpretable output.

Measure 100 Iterations of all PNG Filter Algorithms (RGB and RGBA) on 50KPixels per Run

RVVRadar -a 0x7f8 -s 50000 -i 100 -q > result.csv

Machine interpretable output on stdout (result.csv):

set;algorithm(parameters);implementation;runs;fails;nmeasure;tdmin [ns];tdmax [ns];tdmean [ns];tdvar [ns];tdstdev [ns];tdmedian [ns];nbuckets;hist_bucket[0];hist_bucket[1];hist_bucket[2];hist_bucket[3];hist_bucket[4];hist_bucket[5];hist_bucket[6];hist_bucket[7];hist_bucket[8];hist_bucket[9];hist_bucket[10];hist_bucket[11];hist_bucket[12];hist_bucket[13];hist_bucket[14];hist_bucket[15];hist_bucket[16];hist_bucket[17];hist_bucket[18];hist_bucket[19]
RVVRadar;png_filters_up3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000);c byte noavect;100;0;100;1089050;1175635;1101334;471664707;21717;1091675;20;68;14;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;2;3;4;1;3;1;1;1;0;1
RVVRadar;png_filters_up3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000);c byte avect;100;0;100;277586;347252;284240;103589376;10177;281606;20;47;26;13;9;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;1
RVVRadar;png_filters_up4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000);c byte noavect;100;0;100;1456637;1575096;1472604;778241810;27896;1460011;20;77;3;0;0;0;0;0;2;8;1;1;0;3;0;1;0;1;0;2;1
RVVRadar;png_filters_up4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000);c byte avect;100;0;100;367294;429837;380315;111419035;10555;379211;20;9;11;19;15;18;18;6;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;2;1
RVVRadar;png_filters_sub3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000);c byte noavect;100;0;100;1217634;1314885;1231545;606366049;24624;1219239;20;78;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;3;6;3;0;1;1;4;3;0;0;0;1
RVVRadar;png_filters_sub3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000);c byte avect;100;0;100;1218052;1507262;1234214;1389175082;37271;1219260;20;78;0;3;11;4;1;0;2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1
RVVRadar;png_filters_sub4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000);c byte noavect;100;0;100;1622929;1786889;1634840;682920292;26132;1624033;20;82;0;0;0;0;11;1;1;2;1;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1
RVVRadar;png_filters_sub4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000);c byte avect;100;0;100;1622805;2051142;1645079;2501601924;50016;1624325;20;71;2;17;6;1;2;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1
RVVRadar;png_filters_avg3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000);c byte noavect;100;0;100;1808264;1908765;1825920;630210135;25103;1812160;20;66;7;0;0;0;0;0;0;2;10;6;0;3;3;1;0;0;1;0;1
RVVRadar;png_filters_avg3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000);c byte avect;100;0;100;1808931;2062308;1834548;1949746259;44155;1812785;20;71;0;0;11;4;3;4;2;0;3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;1
RVVRadar;png_filters_avg4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000);c byte noavect;100;0;100;2239601;2354810;2261564;985377515;31390;2243018;20;64;5;0;0;0;0;2;0;12;2;2;2;4;0;1;1;2;0;1;2
RVVRadar;png_filters_avg4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000);c byte avect;100;0;100;2239392;13866527;3329522;6926813505311;2631884;2244851;20;82;2;0;2;0;1;1;1;0;1;2;0;1;2;2;0;1;1;0;1
RVVRadar;png_filters_paeth3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000);c byte noavect;100;0;100;4459618;4769287;4516438;2285605899;47808;4515432;20;36;0;1;23;8;13;9;4;3;1;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1
RVVRadar;png_filters_paeth3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000);c byte avect;100;0;100;4460119;4716203;4511993;2407153689;49062;4515056;20;39;2;0;5;17;8;11;6;4;3;3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;2
RVVRadar;png_filters_paeth3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000);rvv bulk load;100;0;100;4283242;5329917;4344089;13546723327;116390;4331638;20;64;25;7;1;0;1;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1
RVVRadar;png_filters_paeth4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000);c byte noavect;100;0;100;5772504;6056757;5830811;3070262953;55409;5829588;20;40;0;3;7;6;9;9;9;15;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;1
RVVRadar;png_filters_paeth4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000);c byte avect;100;0;100;5776379;6071882;5835689;3376725106;58109;5846879;20;41;0;0;6;8;15;12;10;5;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;0;1;1
RVVRadar;png_filters_paeth4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000);rvv bulk load;100;0;100;4222908;4599786;4266418;2397696746;48966;4271909;20;42;0;28;12;9;5;3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1

Interpreting the Results

RVVRadar provides extensive statistics for each algorithm implementation, which allows for detailed analysis:

  • the minimum/maximum run-time
  • the arithmetic mean run-time, including variance and standard deviation
  • the median run-time
  • and a run-time histogram with 20 buckets between min and max run-time

For a simple performance evaluation the average run-times are the most interesting values. RVVRadar provides two averaging methods for its run-time measurements, namely the arithmetic mean and the median. Since GNU/Linux is not a hard real-time system and thus not deterministic there are run-time spikes. For this reason, it is recommended to use the median, as it is more robust against such outliers.

The csv can easy be processed with tools like csvtool or using python.

Example: Show Median Runtimes from Example above using csvtool

$ csvtool -t ';' col 1,2,3,12 result.csv
set,algorithm(parameters),implementation,tdmedian [ns]
RVVRadar,"png_filters_up3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000)",c byte noavect,1091675
RVVRadar,"png_filters_up3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000)",c byte avect,281606
RVVRadar,"png_filters_up4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000)",c byte noavect,1460011
RVVRadar,"png_filters_up4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000)",c byte avect,379211
RVVRadar,"png_filters_sub3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000)",c byte noavect,1219239
RVVRadar,"png_filters_sub3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000)",c byte avect,1219260
RVVRadar,"png_filters_sub4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000)",c byte noavect,1624033
RVVRadar,"png_filters_sub4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000)",c byte avect,1624325
RVVRadar,"png_filters_avg3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000)",c byte noavect,1812160
RVVRadar,"png_filters_avg3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000)",c byte avect,1812785
RVVRadar,"png_filters_avg4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000)",c byte noavect,2243018
RVVRadar,"png_filters_avg4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000)",c byte avect,2244851
RVVRadar,"png_filters_paeth3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000)",c byte noavect,4515432
RVVRadar,"png_filters_paeth3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000)",c byte avect,4515056
RVVRadar,"png_filters_paeth3(len=50000,rowbytes=150000)",rvv bulk load,4331638
RVVRadar,"png_filters_paeth4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000)",c byte noavect,5829588
RVVRadar,"png_filters_paeth4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000)",c byte avect,5846879
RVVRadar,"png_filters_paeth4(len=50000,rowbytes=200000)",rvv bulk load,4271909

Adding a New Algorithm

To add a new algorithm following steps must be performed:

  1. Using memcpy as template for newalg
    1. Change to directory algorithms
    2. Copy memcpy to newalg (name of the new algorithm to add)
  2. Adapt newalg
    1. Change to directory algorithms/newalg
    2. alg.c / alg.h
      1. Replace occurrences of memcpy with newalg (check case)
      2. Adapt input/output data buffers according to input/output parameter needs of the algorithm
      3. Disable all implementations except the two starting "c" in impls_add
    3. (baseline implementation)
      1. Replace occurrences of memcpy with newalg
      2. Adapt implementation to function of algorithm
      • Important Notes:
        • This implementation will be used for verification and as baseline for further comparisons
        • The buildsystem creates two functions from this code. Both are compiled with GCCs -O3, but one with and one without using GCCs auto-vectorizer
    4. impl_rv.c, impl_rvv.c
      1. Replace content by custom RISC-V / RVV implementations
  3. Add newalg to RVVRadar.c
    1. Include algorithms/newalg/alg.h
    2. Add and handle the new algorithm id ALG_ID_PNG_FILTER_NEWALG

After these steps newalg is integrated in RVVRadar and it can be built by make (The build system handles newalg automatically).

The execution of RVVRadar already provides two results for newalg. Namely for the baseline implementation compiled without and with using GCC's auto-vectorizer.

After integration of newalg the iterative development process can begin. Just add new implementations (e.g. in impl_rvv.c) and enable them in alg.c (impls_add). The evaluation can then be performed using the automatically generated results from RVVRadar.

RVVRadar: A Framework for Supporting the Programmer in Vectorization for RISC-V

Lucas Klemmer, Manfred Schlaegl, and Daniel Große. RVVRadar: a framework for supporting the programmer in vectorization for RISC-V. In GLSVLSI, 2022

  author        = {Lucas Klemmer and Manfred Schlaegl and Daniel Gro{\ss}e},
  title         = {{RVVRadar:} A Framework for Supporting the Programmer in Vectorization for {RISC-V}},
  booktitle     = {ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI},
  year          = 2022


MAIN DEVELOPMENT WAS MOVED TO: RVVRadar is a framework to support the programmer over the four major steps of development, verification, measurement and evaluation during the vectorization process of algorithms for the RISC-V Vector extension (RVV).



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