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@mskg mskg released this 22 Feb 10:46
· 22 commits to master since this release

Major Changes and Improvements

Add: Translation to Dutch #30

Proud to have a dutch version now - many thanks to Lennard Warnaar for reviewing Google's best try.

Add: Virtual thermostats #29

Each plan can be added as a virtual thermostat device to Homey. This allows to override the temperature per "zone" independent of the associated schedule.

The virtual device comes with the following capabilities

  • thermostat_override This allows to define what happens when the target temperature is changed, independent of the plan's schedule. The value can be kept either until end of the day, or forever (which disables the plan).
  • target_temperature Sets that value for all devices associated with the plan
  • measured_temperature Shows the mean value of all temperature readings from all devices related to the plan

All of them are available as flow triggers.

How to implement open window detection with the virtual device? #29

  • Add a flow that triggers on open of any of the room's windows
  • On open, set temperature of associated heating plan to, e.g. 6°
  • When the switch is closed, reset the thermostat_override to automatic and you're done.

Add: Graphical plan overview #44

There is now a graphical overview of your schedule directly available on the summary of the plan. Also, the plan editing screen has been reworked to fit the more dense information.

Minor Changes

User Interface

  • Change: The initial bootstrapping of the web application has been made faster by reducing the package size.
  • Fixed: Endless loop when creating new plans.


  • Add: Triggers for heating mode change
  • Add: Notifcations can be tured off now in the settings #52


  • Add: has been added. You can opt-out through the settings page.
  • Fix: Some devices don't report a step size for the target_temperature. A workarround has been implemented. #54
  • Change: Replaced console-remote-logger with own implementation. Too much vulnerable dependencies that could not easily be cleanup.