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Merge pull request #24 from msp-strath/sketchy
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pigworker authored Mar 15, 2021
2 parents 9d94d0c + 34c0b94 commit 0e5b663
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Showing 4 changed files with 137 additions and 78 deletions.
66 changes: 14 additions & 52 deletions Src/ChkRaw.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -431,16 +431,27 @@ fromSubs g f = hnf f >>= \case
(_, _, TE (TP (xn, _))) ->
fred $ PROVE (e4p (xn, lhs ::: ty) g)
_ -> fred . GIVEN q $ PROVE g
f -> map snd {- ignorant -} <$> invert f >>= \case
[[s]] -> flop s g
rs -> mapM_ (fred . foldr (GIVEN . propify) (PROVE g)) rs
f -> invert f >>= \case
[([], [s])] -> flop s g
rs -> mapM_
(\ (de, hs) -> fred . disch de $ foldr (GIVEN . propify) (PROVE g) hs)
flop (PROVE p) g = fred . GIVEN p $ PROVE g
flop (GIVEN h s) g = do
fred $ PROVE h
flop s g
propify (GIVEN s t) = s :-> propify t
propify (PROVE p) = p
disch [] g = g
disch (Bind (xn, Hide s) _ : hs) g =
EVERY s (xn \\ disch hs g)
disch (Hyp _ h : hs) g = GIVEN h $
let g' = disch hs g in case h of
TC "=" [ty, TE (TP (xn, _)), t] | not (pDep xn t) ->
e4p (xn, t ::: ty) g'
_ -> g'
disch (_ : hs) g = disch hs g

ginger :: Bwd Tm -> [(Tm, (Tm, Tm))] -> Tm -> AM ()
ginger qz [] g = fred $ foldr GIVEN (PROVE g) qz
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -861,52 +872,3 @@ filthier as s = case runAM go () as of
let (fo, b) = raw fi s
setFixities fo
bifoldMap (($ "") . rfold lout) id <$> traverse askRawDecl b

foo = unlines
[ "data List x = Empty | x : List x"
, "(++) :: List x -> List x -> List x"
, "define xs ++ ys inductively xs where"
, " define xs ++ ys from xs where"
, " define Empty ++ ys = ys"
, " define (x : xs') ++ ys = x : (xs' ++ ys)"
, "prove xs ++ Empty = xs inductively xs where"
, " prove xs ++ Empty = xs from xs where"
, " given xs = x : xs' prove (x : xs') ++ Empty = x : xs' tested"

goo = unlines
[ "data Tree = Leaf | Node Tree Tree"
, "mirror :: Tree -> Tree"
, "define mirror t inductively t where"
, " define mirror t from t where"
, " define mirror Leaf = Leaf"
, " define mirror (Node l r) = Node (mirror r) (mirror l)"
, "prove mirror (mirror t) = t inductively t where"
, " prove mirror (mirror t) = t from t where"
, " given t = Node l r prove mirror (mirror (Node l r)) = Node l r tested"

hoo = unlines
[ "data List x = Empty | x : List x"
, "(++) :: List x -> List x -> List x"
, "define xs ++ ys inductively xs where"
, " define xs ++ ys from xs where"
, " define Empty ++ ys = ys"
, " define (x : xs') ++ ys = x : (xs' ++ ys)"
, "prove (xs ++ ys) ++ zs = xs ++ (ys ++ zs) inductively xs where"
, " prove (xs ++ ys) ++ zs = xs ++ (ys ++ zs) from xs where"
, " given xs = x : xs' prove ((x : xs') ++ ys) ++ zs = (x : xs') ++ (ys ++ zs) tested"

ioo = unlines
[ "data N = Z | S N"
, "(+) :: N -> N -> N"
, "defined x + y inductively x where"
, " defined x + y from x where"
, " defined Z + y = y"
, " defined S x + y = S (x + y)"
, "prove (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) inductively x where"
, " prove (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) from x where"
, " given x = S x' prove (S x' + y) + z = S x' + (y + z)"
, " tested"
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Src/HardwiredRules.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,6 +60,14 @@ myWeirdRules =
[ PROVE $ TC "=" [TM "T" [], TM "r" [], TM "s" []]
, PROVE $ TC "=" [TM "T" [], TM "s" [], TM "t" []]
, (PC "=" [PC "->" [PM "S" mempty, PM "T" mempty], PM "f" mempty, PM "g" mempty],
("Applying", Pr [])) :<=
[ EVERY (TM "S" []) . L . PROVE $ TC "="
[ TM "T" []
, TE ((TM "f" mempty ::: TC "->" [TM "S" mempty, TM "T" mempty]) :$ TE (TV 0))
, TE ((TM "g" mempty ::: TC "->" [TM "S" mempty, TM "T" mempty]) :$ TE (TV 0))

myContext :: Context
Expand Down
103 changes: 98 additions & 5 deletions Src/Proving.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
module Ask.Src.Proving where

import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable

import Ask.Src.Thin
import Ask.Src.Hide
import Ask.Src.Bwd
import Ask.Src.Lexing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,15 +49,106 @@ by goal a@(_, (t, _, r) :$$ ss) | elem t [Uid, Sym] = do
backchain _ = return []
by goal r = gripe $ NotARule r

invert :: Tm -> AM [((String, Tel), [Subgoal])]
invert :: Tm -> AM [([CxE], [Subgoal])]
invert hyp = fold <$> (gamma >>= traverse try )
try :: CxE -> AM [((String, Tel), [Subgoal])]
try (ByRule True ((gop, (h, tel)) :<= prems)) = cope (maAM (gop, hyp))
(\ _ -> return [])
(\ m -> return [((h, stan m tel), stan m prems)])
try :: CxE -> AM [([CxE], [Subgoal])]
try (ByRule True ((gop, (h, tel)) :<= prems)) = do
m <- prayTel [] tel
True <- trice ("INVERT TRIES: " ++ show ((hyp, gop), (h, tel), prems)) $ return True
gingerly m Prop gop hyp >>= \case
[(_, m)] -> do
let prems' = stan m prems
de <- doorStep
True <- trice ("INVERT: " ++ show m ++ " ===> " ++
show (de, prems')) $ return True
return [(de, prems')]
_ -> doorStep *> return []
try _ = return []

prayTel :: Matching -> Tel -> AM Matching
prayTel m (Pr hs) = do
for (stan m hs) $ \ h -> push $ Hyp True h
return m
prayTel m (Ex s b) = do
xn <- fresh "x"
let u = "x" ++ show (snd (last xn)) -- BOO!
let xp = (xn, Hide (stan m s))
push $ Bind xp (User u)
prayTel m (b // TP xp)
prayTel m ((x, s) :*: t) = do
xn <- fresh x
let u = x ++ show (snd (last xn)) -- BOO!
let xp = (xn, Hide (stan m s))
push $ Bind xp (User u)
prayTel ((x, TE (TP xp)) : m) t

prayPat :: Matching -> Tm -> Pat -> AM (Syn, Matching)
prayPat m ty (PC c ps) = do
ty <- hnf $ stan m ty
tel <- constructor PAT ty c
(ts, m) <- prayPats m tel ps
return (TC c ts ::: ty, m)
prayPat m ty (PM x _) = do
xn <- fresh x
let u = "x" ++ show (snd (last xn)) -- BOO!
let xp = (xn, Hide (stan m ty))
push $ Bind xp (User u)
return (TP xp, (x, TE (TP xp)) : m)

prayPats :: Matching -> Tel -> [Pat] -> AM ([Tm], Matching)
prayPats m (Pr hs) [] = do
for (stan m hs) $ \ h -> push $ Hyp True h
return ([], m)
prayPats m (Ex s b) (p : ps) = do
(e, m) <- prayPat m s p
(ts, m) <- prayPats m (b // e) ps
return (upTE e : ts, m)
prayPats m ((x, s) :*: tel) (p : ps) = do
(e, m) <- prayPat m s p
(ts, m) <- prayPats ((x, upTE e) : m) tel ps
return (upTE e : ts, m)
prayPats _ _ _ = gripe Mardiness

gingerly :: Matching -> Tm -> Pat -> Tm -> AM [(Syn, Matching)]
gingerly m ty p@(PC gc ps) t = hnf t >>= \case
TC hc ts | gc /= hc -> return [] | otherwise -> do
let ty' = stan m ty
tel <- constructor PAT ty' gc
gingerlies m tel ps ts >>= \case
[(us, m)] -> return [(TC gc us ::: ty', m)]
_ -> return []
t -> do
let ty' = case t of
TE (TP (_, Hide ty)) -> ty -- would like a size if it's there
_ -> ty
(e, m) <- prayPat m ty' p
push . Hyp True $ TC "=" [ty', t, upTE e]
return [(e, m)]
gingerly m ty (PM x th) t = case trice ("GINGERLY PM: " ++ x) $ thicken th t of
Nothing -> return []
Just u -> return [(t ::: stan m ty, (x, u) : m)]
gingerly _ _ _ _ = gripe Mardiness

gingerlies :: Matching -> Tel -> [Pat] -> [Tm] -> AM [([Tm], Matching)]
gingerlies m (Pr hs) [] [] = do
for (stan m hs) $ \ h -> push $ Hyp True h
return [([], m)]
gingerlies m (Ex s b) (p : ps) (t : ts) = gingerly m s p t >>= \case
[(e, m)] -> gingerlies m (b // e) ps ts >>= \case
[(us, m)] -> return [(upTE e : us, m)]
_ -> return []
_ -> return []
gingerlies m ((x, s) :*: tel) (p : ps) (t : ts) = gingerly m s p t >>= \case
[(e, m)] -> let u = upTE e in
gingerlies ((x, u) : m) tel ps ts >>= \case
[(us, m)] -> return [(u : us, m)]
_ -> return []
_ -> return []
gingerlies _ _ _ _ = return []

given :: Tm -> AM Bool{-proven?-}
given goal = do
ga <- gamma
Expand Down
38 changes: 17 additions & 21 deletions Src/Typing.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -572,13 +572,11 @@ make xp@(x, Hide ty) t got = do
True <- track ("AWOL " ++ show x) $ return True
gripe FAIL -- shouldn't happen
go (ga :< z) ms | track ("MAKE-GO: " ++ show z ++ " " ++ show ms) False = undefined
go (ga :< Bind p@(y, _) Hole) ms | x == y = do
pDep y (ms, t) >>= \case
go (ga :< Bind p@(y, _) Hole) ms | x == y = case pDep y (ms, t) of
True -> gripe FAIL
False -> return (ga <>< ms :< Bind p (Defn t))
go (ga :< Bind (y, _) _) ms | x == y = gripe FAIL
go (ga :< z@(Bind (y, _) k)) ms = do
pDep y (ms, t) >>= \case
go (ga :< z@(Bind (y, _) k)) ms = case pDep y (ms, t) of
False -> (:< z) <$> go ga ms
True -> case k of
User _ -> gripe FAIL
Expand All @@ -591,41 +589,39 @@ make xp@(x, Hide ty) t got = do

class PDep t where
pDep :: Nom -> t -> AM Bool
pDep :: Nom -> t -> Bool

instance PDep Tm where
pDep x t = case t of {- do
hnf t >>= \case -}
pDep x t = case t of
TC _ ts -> pDep x ts
TB t -> pDep x t
TE e -> pDep x e

instance PDep Syn where
pDep x (TP (y, _)) = return $ x == y
pDep x (t ::: ty) = (||) <$> pDep x t <*> pDep x ty
pDep x (e :$ s) = (||) <$> pDep x e <*> pDep x s
pDep x (TF _ is as) = (||) <$> pDep x is <*> pDep x as
pDep x _ = return False
pDep x (TP (y, _)) = x == y
pDep x (t ::: ty) = pDep x t || pDep x ty
pDep x (e :$ s) = pDep x e || pDep x s
pDep x (TF _ is as) = pDep x is || pDep x as
pDep x _ = False

instance PDep t => PDep [t] where
pDep x ts = do
any id <$> traverse (pDep x) ts
pDep x ts = any id (map (pDep x) ts)

instance (PDep s, PDep t) => PDep (s, t) where
pDep x (s, t) = (||) <$> pDep x s <*> pDep x t
pDep x (s, t) = pDep x s || pDep x t

instance PDep t => PDep (Bind t) where
pDep x (K t) = pDep x t
pDep x (L t) = pDep x t

instance PDep CxE where
pDep x (Hyp _ p) = pDep x p
pDep x (Bind (_, Hide ty) k) = (||) <$> pDep x ty <*> pDep x k
pDep _ _ = return False
pDep x (Bind (_, Hide ty) k) = pDep x ty || pDep x k
pDep _ _ = False

instance PDep BKind where
pDep x (Defn t) = pDep x t
pDep _ _ = return False
pDep _ _ = False

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -664,7 +660,7 @@ telify vs lox = go [] lox where
go ps (Bind (xp, Hide ty) bk : lox) = case bk of
Defn t -> e4p (xp, t ::: ty) <$> go ps lox
Hole -> do
bs <- traverse (\ (_, (xp, _)) -> pDep xp ty) ps
bs <- traverse (\ (_, (xp, _)) -> return $ pDep xp ty) ps
guard $ all not bs
Ex ty <$> ((xp \\) <$> go ps lox)
User x -> e4p (xp, TM x [] ::: ty) <$> go ((x, (xp, ty)) : ps) lox
Expand All @@ -682,14 +678,14 @@ schemify vs lox rt = go [] lox where
go ps (Bind (xp, Hide ty) bk : lox) = case bk of
Defn t -> e4p (xp, t ::: ty) <$> go ps lox
Hole -> do
bs <- traverse (\ (_, (xp, _)) -> pDep xp ty) ps
bs <- traverse (\ (_, (xp, _)) -> return $ pDep xp ty) ps
guard $ all not bs
Al ty <$> ((xp \\) <$> go ps lox)
User x
| x `elem` vs ->
e4p (xp, TM x [] ::: ty) <$> go ((x, (xp, ty)) : ps) lox
| otherwise -> do
bs <- traverse (\ (_, (xp, _)) -> pDep xp ty) ps
bs <- traverse (\ (_, (xp, _)) -> return $ pDep xp ty) ps
guard $ all not bs
Al ty <$> ((xp \\) <$> go ps lox)
go ps ((_ ::> _) : lox) = go ps lox
Expand Down

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