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A django app with scalable, asynchronous backend workers deployed on Kubernetes.

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Software Developers have been tasked with creating an interface for collecting user feedback and mailing it. They have chosen to separate the user interface from the mailing process using separate webserver and worker service as described in the Asynchronous Tasks with Django and Celery section.

As a Devops engineer, you are asked to accomplish the following tasks to make the application production ready:

1. Production Readiness

Identify and separate points of concern by

  • Implementing a production webserver.
  • Implementing a reverse proxy to serve traffic.
  • Implementing a production database.
  • Managed services to handle automatic start/restarts of processes.

2. Containerization

In order for developers to submit an exact replica of their application to QA for testing, create a containerized stack with easily deployable artifacts via a configuration file(yaml/json/etc).

3. Deploy to Cloud

Using minikube as your cloud infrastructure, setup a k8s cluster and deploy the now containerized stack, with enhancements including:

  • Load balancer
  • High availability/redundancy
  • Application logging and monitoring
  • CI/CD pipeline
  • Documentation
  • etc

Asynchronous Tasks with Django and Celery

Example project for integrating Celery and Redis into a Django application. This repository holds the code for the Real Python Asynchronous Tasks With Django and Celery tutorial.

Production Readiness

  • Gunicorn has been a production webserver.
  • Nginx has been used a reverse proxy to serve traffic.
  • For a production database, postgres has been deployed running in a container.

There are two ways of runnng this application

  1. With Docker compose in Minikube
  2. With Kubernetes
With Docker compose in Minikube

Flower has been used to visualize celery and Nginx used as reverse proxy for the application. Celery logs are stored in /app/logs/celery.logs

To start the application

$ docker-compose up                         

View the django application from address or localhost

Celery Flower

Go to localhost:5555/ or to view celery from flower

With Kubernetes

Add the cluster KUBECTL_CONFIG, Dockerhub username and password to the github action secrets



  • Github actions have been used for CICD.
  • Dockerhub has been used as the image repositry.
  • Metric server has been used to monitor containers
  • Ingress for loadbalancing

With Minikube

Was unable to do CICD to Minikube

  kubectl apply -f ./k8s/app/deploy.yaml
  kubectl apply -f ./k8s/celery-worker/celery-worker.yaml
  kubectl apply -f ./k8s/celery-flower/celery-flower.yaml
  kubectl apply -f ./k8s/redis/redis-deploy.yaml
  kubectl apply -f ./k8s/postgres/postgres-deploy.yaml
  kubectl apply -f ./k8s/secrets.yaml
  kubectl apply -f ./k8s/config_map.yaml
To check services
kubectl get service                     
Get app service
kubectl get service django-cluster-ip-service                    
Get flower service
kubectl get service  django-celery-flower-load-balancer                   
Visit the Service via NodePort:
minikube service {{service}} --url                   

Repeat for both app and flower

The output is similar to:                   

You can now access the sample app via the Minikube IP address and NodePort. App app

Flower app

Get app pods
kubectl get pod                  

Check the logs for the celery pod. Should get something like this

[2022-11-02 09:44:09,299: INFO/MainProcess] celery@django-celery-worker-deployment-6dd9996568-lh2fn ready.
[2022-11-02 09:44:17,784: INFO/MainProcess] Events of group {task} enabled by remote.
[2022-11-02 13:40:28,590: INFO/MainProcess] Task feedback.tasks.send_feedback_email_task[39a61cc9-20c6-419a-b8ff-5e6bf858794b] received
[2022-11-02 13:40:49,099: WARNING/ForkPoolWorker-8] Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Your Feedback
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 02 Nov 2022 13:40:49 -0000

	Hakuna Matata!

Thank you!
[2022-11-02 13:40:49,099: WARNING/ForkPoolWorker-8] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2022-11-02 13:40:49,131: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-8] Task feedback.tasks.send_feedback_email_task[39a61cc9-20c6-419a-b8ff-5e6bf858794b] succeeded in 20.361738793000768s: None

With Cloud providers

A git push will trigger and image build to dockerhub.

Github actions with deploy to a cloud provider

In the CI workflow, this will update the docker image tag with BUILD_NUMBER

  export BUILD_TAG=django-prod-$BUILD_NUMBER
    sed -i "s/VERSION/${BUILD_TAG}/g" ./k8s/app/deploy.yaml
    sed -i "s/VERSION/${BUILD_TAG}/g" ./k8s/celery-worker/celery-worker.yaml
    sed -i "s/VERSION/${BUILD_TAG}/g" ./k8s/celery-flower/celery-flower.yaml

What to do better

  • Use Traefik as the reverse proxy and load balancer


A django app with scalable, asynchronous backend workers deployed on Kubernetes.







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