Monitor Django APP Via Elastic APM.
- Stack Used
- Basic Commands
- Build the docker image.
- Run the unit tests.
- Generate the test coverage report.
- Build and server the sphinx docs using docker compose.
- Run the application using docker compose.
- Now you can check and test the developed APIs docs at:
- Also you can check the monitoring metrices and details via Elastic APM at:
- Stop the running application using docker compose.
- License
- Docker v. 20.10.5
- Docker Compose v. 1.29.0
- PostgreSQL v. 13.2
- Python v. 3.9
- Django Framework v. 3.1.12
- Django Rest Framework v. 3.12.4
- Elasticsearch v. 7.9.0
- Elastic APM Server v. 7.9.0
- Kibana v. 7.9.0
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm django pytest
docker-compose run --rm django coverage run -m pytest
docker-compose run --rm django coverage report
docker-compose up docs
docker-compose up # use -d to run the services in the background.
APIs Swagger docs and Redoc docs
docker-compose down -v
Open source licensed under the MIT license (see LICENSE file for details).