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[COLM '24] Source-Aware Training Enables Knowledge Attribution in Language Models

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Source-Aware Training Enables Knowledge Attribution in Language Models

We explore Source-aware Training to enable LLMs to cite their pretraining data. Source-aware training involves (i) training the LLM to associate unique source document identifiers with the knowledge in each document, followed by (ii) an instruction-tuning to teach the LLM to cite a supporting pretraining source when prompted. We demonstrate that our training recipe can enable faithful attribution to the pretraining data without a substantial impact on the model's quality compared to standard pretraining. Our results also highlight the importance of data augmentation in achieving attribution.


📝 Paper:

🤗 Data:

Getting Started

To set up the code and run source-aware training, you will first need to set up the environment. Our code is based on the llm-foundry package by mosaicml. Let's go through the setup step-by-step.

We recommend using conda to set up the environment:

conda create --name=citation-training python=3.10
conda activate source-training

Now you need to install torch==2.0.1 which is the version with which the paper experiments were done. You can get it from here.

Downloading Data

Our experiments are done over BioCite a synthetic corpus of biographies about fictitious individuals. Each document in BioCite is constructed by sampling multiple facts from different biographies. Each document ID is constructed as a concatenation of 3-letter prefix of each last name in the document.


BioCite is available on huggingface here

Running Experiments


To eliminate the need to run many consecutive scripts, I designed the code such that a single script will do everything. Specifically, will take as input a configuration file (more on that later) and will:

  1. Perform data augmentation if necessary (by shuffling facts within the document as described in the paper)
  2. Preprocess the pretraining data by injecting Doc IDs (referred to as URL throughought the code) into the pretraining data as per the passed config
  3. Preprocess and tokenize the instruction tuning comprised of <Question, Answer, Doc ID> triplets
  4. Builds the Doc ID Trie needed for constrained decoding when predicting doc IDs.
  5. Save all tokenized data to specified experiment folder in numpy .npz format.
  6. Run pretraining using next-word objective on the documents with injected doc IDs
  7. After pretraining finishes, loads the last checkpoint and does instruction tuning.
  8. Logs all evals to W&B

Example Config

Here is an example of a config file and I'll explain the relevant parameter. Configs for paper experiments can be found here:

  name: my-experiment
  output_dir: path-to-experiments-folder

  text_data_path: path-to-training-corpus
  augment: # Data augmentation parameters
      do: true
      method: permute
      n_sample_per_doc: 2 # Number of augmentations per document. This means that each document will exist 1 + 2 = 3 times with different sentence permutations

  name: TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-intermediate-step-1431k-3T

  url_location: last # inject doc ID at the end. Options are last, first, no_url
  pretrain: true # whether to run next-word-prediction
  sequential: true, # whether to do pretraining then finetuning. If false, will only do pretraining
  repeat_url_across_doc: false # whether to repeat doc ID across the document.
  finetune_q_a_url: true # finetuning will take question as input, and predict answer then doc ID. 
  finetune_q_a_doc_url: false # set this to true for the CoT setup

  ## loss and attn config 
  cross_doc_attention: false # whether to apply cross-doc attention across documents. It is best to disable this. 
  url_loss_factor: 1.0 # coefficient to multiply the loss on the doc ID tokens by. Doesn't make much difference
  loss_type: mask # always mask, do not change this
  config_template_path: conf/templates/train_config.yaml
  device_eval_batch_size: 40
  device_train_microbatch_size: 2
  eval_first: false # whether to run evaluation first before training
  weight_decay: 0.02
  lr: 8.0e-5
  max_duration: 10ep # train for 10 epochs
  save_folder: null

  disable_qa_eval: false
  disable_all_eval: false
  disable_attribution_eval: false
  disable_non_attrib_eval: true # leave this to true, non-attrib eval was not used in the paper. 
  icl_eval: false # whether to run ICL evaluation using some tasks. 
  ppl_eval: true # whether to evaluate the model using perplexity on wikitext as done in the paper

After you've set up your config file.

Launch your own experiment

To launch an experiment on a 1K-doc subset of BioCite, you can use the config file conf/doc-id-repeat-1k-docs.yaml by running: python conf/doc-id-repeat-1k-docs.yaml. This subset is located in sample-data/biocite-1k.

There are config file correponding to each different setup used in the paper in conf/.

Distributed Training

By default, the code uses ZeRO implementation by Deepspeed for distributed training. The deepseed parameters are defined in conf/templates/train_config.yaml. The defaul parameters are

    enabled: true
  train_batch_size: ${global_train_batch_size}
    stage: 3
    contiguous_gradients: true
    reduce_bucket_size: true
    overlap_comm: true
    allgather_bucket_size: 2e8
    reduce_scatter: true
      device: cpu
      pin_memory: true


If you find our work/code useful please cite it:

title={Source-Aware Training Enables Knowledge Attribution in Language Models},
author={Khalifa, Muhammad and Wadden, David and Strubell, Emma and Lee, Honglak and Wang, Lu and Beltagy, Iz and Peng, Hao},
booktitle={First Conference on Language Modeling},


[COLM '24] Source-Aware Training Enables Knowledge Attribution in Language Models






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