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Ahmad Abdo edited this page Jun 26, 2017 · 2 revisions


Before we can start building with awsm, it needs to be installed and configured on your machine. This guide will walk you through installing and configuring awsm and awsmDashboard.

Installing awsm

To install awsm, simply copy/paste the following command into your terminal:

curl -s | sh

Alternatively, you can manually download and install the appropriate package for your system from the GitHub releases page. Be sure to install it into an existing $PATH folder, or update your systems $PATH to include the install location.

Verifying Installation & Configuration

Once awsm has been installed, we can verify the installation by opening a new terminal session and running the config check command:

$ awsm check

Note: If you get an error that awsm cannot be found, your $PATH environment variable was not setup correctly, please double check that your systems $PATH variable contains the directory that awsm was installed into.

If this is the first time you are running awsm or if you have not previously set-up your default AWS credential profiles file, you will be prompted for your access id and secret key.

$ awsm check

  [The AWS Credentials config file is empty or missing!]
  Do you want to add one now?

◀  yes

▶  What is your AWS Access Key Id?

awsm will only read/write your credentials from this file: Linux/OSX: ~/.aws/credentials Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.aws\credentials

Best Practice: Create a fresh ID and Key specifically for awsm:

Link: Open the AWS Console and Create an IAM User named "awsm" with Administrator Access

For more information on creating a new AWS Access Id and Secret Key, click here.


Once awsm has valid credentials to your AWS account, it will ask you to create a SimpleDB domain named awsm (if it does not already exist) and load it with the default starter classes that we will be using in this guide.

  [No awsm database found!]
  Do you want to create one now?

◀ yes

Help Screen

Now that awsm is installed and configured, running it without any commands will display the program's help screen:

$ awsm
   awsm - AWS Interface

   awsm [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

     check                       Check / repair the awsm config
     api                         Start the awsm api server
     dashboard                   Launch the awsm Dashboard GUI
     attachIAMRolePolicy         Attach an AWS IAM Policy to a IAM Role
     attachVolume                Attach an AWS EBS Volume to an EC2 Instance
     installKeyPair              Installs a Key Pair locally
     copyImage                   Copy an AWS Machine Image to another region
     copySnapshot                Copy an AWS EBS Snapshot to another region
     createAddress               Create an AWS Elastic IP Address
     createAutoScaleGroups       Create an AWS AutoScaling Groups
     createIAMUser               Create an IAM User
     listSnapshots               Lists AWS EBS Snapshots
     listSubnets                 Lists AWS Subnets
     listSimpleDBDomains         Lists AWS SimpleDB Domains
     listVolumes                 Lists AWS EBS Volumes
     listVpcs                    Lists AWS Vpcs
     resumeProcesses             Resume scaling processes on autoscaling groups
     runCommand                  Run a command on a set of instances
     suspendProcesses            Suspend scaling processes on autoscaling groups
     updateAutoScaleGroups       Update AutoScaling Groups
     updateSecurityGroups        Update Security Groups
     installAutocomplete         Install awsm autocomplete
     help, h                     Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --dry-run      dry-run (Don't make any real changes)
   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version

Note: The command list above is truncated to take up less space in this guide.


If you want to enable command auto-complete on awsm, you can install it by running the command:

$ awsm installAutocomplete


If you installed awsm following this guide, you also installed awsmDashboard - the web interface used to configure your awsm settings. You can open it up and take a peek if you are curious. In your terminal window, run the command:

$ awsm dashboard

This command starts the dashboard backend and opens the dashboard page (http://localhost:8081/) in your default browser .

Feel free to take a look around! However, unless you already use AWS, there probably won't be very much to look at.


Now that awsm is installed and can talk to your AWS account, we can get started on building infrastructure.