In summary, my analysis should answer the 4 questions as described below:
- What was the most expensive campaign?
- What was the most profitable campaign?
- Which ad creative is the most effective in terms of clicks?
- Which ad creative is the most effective in terms of generating leads?
Jupyter + Spark:
1 - Download: Here
2 - Create dns network:
$ sudo docker network create ponte
3 - After download completed, go to load docker image.
$ sudo docker image load -i "your download directory"/jupyter_spark_murillo.tar.gz
4 - Entry in clone project and then run the command below to start an image with jupyter / spark.
$ sudo docker run --rm -p 10000:8888 --net=ponte --user root -e JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes -e GRANT_SUDO=yes -v "$PWD":/home/jovyan/work jupyter/spark
- It necessary to enter into project cloned for better navigation.
- It will necessary inserts the generate key, as the sample image below:
1 - Download: Here
2 - After download completed, go to load docker image.
$ sudo docker image load -i "your download directory"/mysql.tar.gz
3 - Run Docker
$ sudo docker run --name=mysql_murillo --net=ponte -v "clone project diretory"/mysql:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mysql/mysql-server
4 - Exec Docker
$ sudo docker exec -it mysql_murillo mysql -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"
Obs: Maybe, it will going to insert the password, if went requested, please inform the pass password
After load, run e exec. Its possible acess the mysql database and see all objects, such as Schema=creditas
and all tables(customer_lead_funnel
) and own registers, as image below:
Notebook Analysis:
Brief explanation.
Into folder jupyter, your can find the archive
, all the explorations went realized into, as well all the processing and anwers of the questions. -
The analysis went divided in:
- Read original files.
- Structuring dataframes.
- Save dataframes in parquets (Raw and Refined visions).
- Save dataframe em Mysql Database.
Detailed explanations:
Data exploration and structuring work has been done, which can be followed in detail by accessing the jupyter AnalisysResult.ipynb
. After exploring data, context-specific dataframes were created, after structuring the data without filters was saved in the Raw
directory within this project.
The following is a view of the Raw
structure of the data.
1 - Structure Process.
1.1 -Post structure datadrame Google:
1.2 - Post structure datadrame Facebook:
1.3 - Post structure datadrame Pageviwes:
1.4 - Post structure datadrame Customer Lead Funnel:
After data saved in Raw
was persisted in a MySql Local database (docker), being possible to access them through DataViz tools.
2 - Persist Process.
2.4 - customer_lead_funnel Table.
obs: Both registers can be consulting in MySql Docker Database.
3 - Create and save visions in refined zone.
3.5 - Save in parquets in Refined.
The entire process was performed locally as well as processing and persistence using docker images. As we know there are several ways to propose a solution to a problem, I tried to think of a simpler one.
The process can be streamlined by running on some cloud service (Dataproc, EMR, Hortonworks, Cloudera and whatever) and scheduling via Airflow.