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MusE 3.1

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@spamatica spamatica released this 23 Feb 12:56
· 1344 commits to master since this release

Once more we've decided enough is enough, time to crank out a proper release, enter MusE 3.1!

As per usual, more years than we care to recount has passed since the last one. And, as per usual a lot of things has been brewing during this time.

Among the bigger features since 3.0 is the inclusion of a Plugin cache. This has two benefits, scanning of plugins are no longer done on a standard startup, making the startup a lot faster. Also the scanning is done in a separate process so no more crashes during startup due to issues with plugins.

Here is a short list of other prominent changes since 3.0:

  • Metronome improved, a lot of new settings
    • reawakened pre count!
    • Auto-connect metronome to first audio output track.
  • General plugins improvements
    • Effect rack extended to 8 plugins instead of 4
    • Generic plugin UI: Added 'Quirks' buttons to toolbar
  • LV2 plugins
    • Fix sequencing/syncing plugins (Helm, LV2 metronome, NoiseMak3r...)
    • Rewrite of state/worker support and more, fixes several synths:
    • Fix plugins using worker extension, such as *v1 suite (drumkv1 etc.)
    • Removed ALL internal LV2 support. Too hard to maintain.
    • Fixed LV2 X11 GUI size.
    • MidNam support
  • VST plugins
    • Fix # 708: Surge-vst crashes.
    • DSSI-VST was recently found to be working on recent kernels.
      There's now a plugin tab for configuring the initialization of this support from inside MusE
  • LADSPA plugins
    • Ladspa RDF (lrdf) support.
  • A lot of UI changes for better consistency and usability, menus, toolbars.
  • Many many under the hood changes for more consistency and lower cpu usage in the editors
  • Better support for HiDPI screens
  • Lots and lots of new keyboard shortcuts and now a search field in the shortcut dialog to make it easier to locate shortcuts also.
  • Many many new vectorized icons
  • More colors in UI customizable, including for stylesheets
  • Settings dialog redesigned to make it easier to navigate.
  • Double click on track ID selects all tracks of the same type
  • Transport window slightly redesigned
  • Improvements to midi timing
  • Global cut/insert improvements, fixes crashes with markers
  • Rewind on stop setting

Teasers for major improvements:
We have also some major improvements that have crept into the release but still have some issues which make us not recommend using them quite yet.

  • Realtime time-stretch and samplerate-stretch conversion. An embryo for this functionality exist in the Wave editor, check out the new button on the tool bar. Do consider it is not finished though.
  • Latency correction / compensation. In the settings there is a new tab with settings for latency compensation. Finally MusE can compensate for delays in the audio chain to keep everything in sync. This feature is not turned on by default as there are some nagging bugs that you need to be aware of, see bugs:
    • #767 - looping audio does not work
    • #682 - midi note on the start beat where you press play is not played

For the complete list of changes see:

The homepage has moved and undergone a much needed refresh, check it out:


Demos page:
