The Delphi IDE Colorizer (DIC) is a plugin which allows to skin the look and feel of the workspace of the RAD Studio IDE and Appmethod.
- DIC is compatible with RAD Studio XE2-XE8, 10 Seattle and 10.1 Berlin.
- Support for VCL Styles.
- Transparent menus.
- Allow to change the icons, set the colors, and gradient direction of the title bar of the docked windows.
- Set the colors, and gradient direction of the IDE toolbars.
- Improve the drawing of the disabled icons used in menus and toolbars
- Compatible with CnWizards and GExperts
- Replace the icons used in the gutter and the debugger.
- Includes 80+ themes.
Note : If you want customize the syntax highlighting of the RAD Studio IDE try the Delphi IDE Theme Editor project
Before to download and use the plugin is highly recommendable which you read the wiki of the project.