co-enagement trying to engage agent to all other channel clients
- check config.js file for all the URLs
- check the app robot mattermost id and password
Engagement Service Installation Instruction
Check out co-engagement source code from GIT server,
Install all the necessary software
- Node JS & NPM
- Redis server (v3.x)
- Mongo DB server
- Edit the ‘config.js’ file under the project root directory for the following items,
- CM_URL (prolog cm url)
- mongodb (MongoDB url)
- redis_host (redis cache server url)
- process.env.PORT
- process.env.MATTERMOST_HOST
- process.env.MATTERMOST_GROUP
- process.env.MATTERMOST_USER
- etc,
- Run the following command under the project folder to install the dependency libs
- "npm install"
- Compile and Start the engage server by gulp module, I created a gulp script to compile, minify/compress the js/css file and start the Node server with one step. Under the project root folder, run the following command to bring up the service.
- "forever start --minUptime 1000 --spinSleepTime 1000 node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js prod"
- Stop the service, run the following commands,
- forever list
- forever stop
- Service startup verification, two steps below,
- Check the exception.err log file under the project root folder, if there is any new exceptions during the startup
- Check http://server_host_ip:port/
Coverage test script
istanbul cover _mocha --recursive test/*
Load testing
siege --concurrent=50 --reps=10 -f urls.txt