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@mxsm mxsm released this 04 Jun 16:01
· 1223 commits to main since this release



1. Perfect the Name Server

2. Develop the message storage module

3. Develop the Broker module

4. Support single message sending, etc.

What's Changed

  • [ISSUE #127]⬆️Upgrade the version to 0.2.0 for the next version's feature development by @mxsm in #128
  • [ISSUE #129]🥚Define macros to handle common code for RequestHeader by @mxsm in #130
  • [ISSUE #131]🤡init broker and store crate by @mxsm in #132
  • [ISSUE #133]🔧Add rocketmq store config by @mxsm in #134
  • [ISSUE #135]🚧Define rocketmq Message by @mxsm in #136
  • [ISSUE #137]🚀Define the rust version of Messagestore based on the Java version of MessageStore by @mxsm in #138
  • [ISSUE #141]💥Add Broker command line parse by @mxsm in #142
  • [ISSUE #140]🎨Add Broker bootstrap by @mxsm in #143
  • [ISSUE #144]🎉Add the basic code for local file in the store module by @mxsm in #145
  • [ISSUE #146]📈Add Broker start method and optimize some code by @mxsm in #147
  • [ISSUE #148]📝Add issue template by @mxsm in #149
  • [ISSUE #150]Update ISSUE TEMPLATE by @mxsm in #151
  • Revert "[ISSUE #150]Update ISSUE TEMPLATE" by @mxsm in #152
  • [ISSUE #150]🚀Update ISSUE TEMPLATE and some markdown doc by @mxsm in #153
  • [ISSUE #154]Add ConfigManage code by @mxsm in #155
  • [ISSUE #156]📝Add pull resquest template by @mxsm in #157
  • [ISSUE #158]🚀Add some Implementations for ConfigManager trait by @mxsm in #159
  • [ISSUE #160]💥BrokerController initialization method implementation by @mxsm in #161
  • [ISSUE #162]📝Add Broker by @antcarryele in #164
  • [ISSUE #165]🐛Fix Broker start error by @mxsm in #166
  • [ISSUE #167]👍Add TopicConfigManager#init method by @mxsm in #168
  • [ISSUE #170](🎉Happy Chinese New Year🎉)mplementing network communication for the Broker-1 by @mxsm in #171
  • [ISSUE #173](🎉Happy Chinese New Year🎉)Implementing network communication for the Broker-2 by @mxsm in #174
  • [ISSUE #175]👷Update GitHub Actions CI by @mxsm in #176
  • [ISSUE #177]♻️Refactor net model by @mxsm in #178
  • [ISSUE #179]📝Add project icon by @mxsm in #180
  • [ISSUE #181]💚Add codecov ci by @mxsm in #182
  • [ISSUE #183]💚Add codecov ci yml by @mxsm in #184
  • [ISSUE #187]📝Add some icon into by @mxsm in #188
  • [ISSUE #189]📝Update by @mxsm in #190
  • [ISSUE #191]🚀Implementing network communication for the Broker-3 by @mxsm in #192
  • [ISSUE #193]📝Update by @mxsm in #194
  • [ISSUE #195]🚀Refactor remoting net by @mxsm in #196
  • [ISSUE #197]🐛Fix Name server shutdown throw exception by @mxsm in #198
  • [ISSUE #199]Broker net model develop by @mxsm in #200
  • [ISSUE #201]🐛Fix Use RequestHeaderCodec macro cannot find type HashMap in this scope by @mxsm in #202
  • [ISSUE #203]🐛Fix RequestHeaderCodec macro can not work by @mxsm in #204
  • [ISSUE #169]🚀Implementing network communication for the Broker by @mxsm in #205
  • [ISSUE #207]Support send message and send message v2(request code:10,310)-1 by @mxsm in #208
  • [ISSUE #210]🔧Add dependabot.yml by @antcarryele in #211
  • Update config requirement from 0.13 to 0.14 by @dependabot in #212
  • Update env_logger requirement from 0.10.0 to 0.11.2 by @dependabot in #213
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 by @dependabot in #214
  • [ISSUE #209]Support send message and send message v2(request code:10,310)-2 by @mxsm in #215
  • [ISSUE #218]📌Implement DefaultMappedFile initialization by @mxsm in #219
  • [ISSUE #220]🚀Implement MessageStore put message-1 by @mxsm in #221
  • [ISSUE #224]🎨Using cfg to solve the problem that the MessageStore trait cannot be converted to an object by @mxsm in #225
  • [ISSUE #223]🚧Implement MessageStore put message(single message)-2 by @mxsm in #226
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.0.2 to 4.1.0 by @dependabot in #228
  • [ISSUE #227]🚧Implement MessageStore put message(single message)-3 by @mxsm in #229
  • [ISSUE #232]🐛Fix CI fails to pass the check on the latest version of Rustc by @mxsm in #233
  • [ISSUE #230]🍻Implement MessageExtEncoder by @mxsm in #231
  • [ISSUE #234]🚧Implement AppendMessageCallback-1 by @mxsm in #235
  • [ISSUE #236]✨Create bytebuf crate for bytes operate by @mxsm in #237
  • Revert "[ISSUE #236]✨Create bytebuf crate for bytes operate" by @mxsm in #239
  • [ISSUE #240]🎨Optimize broker main code by @mxsm in #241
  • [ISSUE #242]🚀Implement DefaultMappedFile related functions-1 by @mxsm in #243
  • [ISSUE #244]🚧Implement TopicConfigManager load method by @mxsm in #245
  • [ISSUE #246]📌Implement ConfigManager config_file_path method by @mxsm in #247
  • [ISSUE #249]🚀Init rocketmq-filter crate by @mxsm in #250
  • [ISSUE #251]🎨Fix code style error in latest rust nightly version by @mxsm in #252
  • [ISSUE #248]💥Implement ConfigManager decode method by @mxsm in #253
  • [ISSUE #254]🎨Format code style by @TeslaRustor in #255
  • [ISSUE #256]🐛Fix rust file link by @mxsm in #257
  • [ISSUE #258]Fix loading config File error by @mxsm in #259
  • [ISSUE #260]🐛Fix When broker shutdown will throw exeception by @mxsm in #261
  • [ISSUE #263]🚧Support register borker(request code:103)-1 by @TeslaRustor in #264
  • [ISSUE #]🚀Implement CompletableFuture by @mxsm in #266
  • [ISSUE #267]✅Add test case for CompletableFuture by @mxsm in #268
  • [ISSUE #270]✨Implement remoting client-1 by @TeslaRustor in #271
  • [ISSUE #272]🚀Implement remoting client-2 by @mxsm in #273
  • [ISSUE #274]🚀Implement remoting client-3 by @mxsm in #275
  • [ISSUE #276]🐛Fix client send message error by @TeslaRustor in #277
  • [ISSUE #278]🚀Using pub to modify RemotingClient by @TeslaRustor in #279
  • [ISSUE #280]⚡️Optimize TokioExecutorService by @mxsm in #281
  • [ISSUE #282]🚀Support register borker(request code:103)-2 by @mxsm in #283
  • [ISSUE #284]🚧Support register borker(request code:103)-3 by @mxsm in #285
  • [ISSUE #286]🎨Replace RequestProcessor#process_request &mut self with &self by @mxsm in #287
  • [ISSUE #288]🎨Optimize ArcProcessorTable code by @TeslaRustor in #289
  • [ISSUE #290]🎨Optimize RocketmqDefaultClient code by @mxsm in #291
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 by @dependabot in #292
  • [ISSUE #293]🎨Change RemotingService start method &mut seft to &self by @mxsm in #294
  • [ISSUE #295]Refactor network section code by @mxsm in #296
  • [ISSUE #297]🎨Optimize code struct by @mxsm in #298
  • [ISSUE #262]🚀Support register borker(request code:103) by @mxsm in #299
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 by @dependabot in #301
  • [ISSUE #303]🎨Remove useless import by @mxsm in #304
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0 by @dependabot in #302
  • [ISSUE #300]🚧Support send message and send message v2(request code:10,310)-3 by @mxsm in #305
  • [ISSUE #307]📝Update name server by @antcarryele in #308
  • [ISSUE #309]✨Add rocketmq-cmd crate by @mxsm in #310
  • [ISSUE #306]🚀Support send message and send message v2(request code:10,310)-4 by @mxsm in #311
  • [ISSUE #314]🎉Rename rocketmq-cmd crate to rocketmq-cli crate by @mxsm in #315
  • [ISSUE #313]🚀Read Commit log file from cmd by @mxsm in #316
  • [ISSUE #317]📝Update rocketmq-cli by @mxsm in #318
  • [ISSUE #312]✨Support send message and send message v2(request code:10,310)-5 by @mxsm in #319
  • [ISSUE #320]✨Support unregister client(requst code 35) by @mxsm in #322
  • [ISSUE #321]✨Support heart beat (requst code 34)-producer by @mxsm in #324
  • [ISSUE #325]📝Update rocketmq-broker crate by @mxsm in #326
  • [ISSUE #222]🚀Implement MessageStore put message(single message) by @mxsm in #327
  • [ISSUE #328]🚀Implement commitlog recover by @mxsm in #329
  • [ISSUE #330]🎨Optimize commitlog recover by @mxsm in #331
  • [ISSUE #332]🎨Optmize code struct by @mxsm in #333
  • [ISSUE #334]🚧Optimize commitlog recover-2 by @mxsm in #335
  • [ISSUE #336]🚀Optimize get i32 of content_show#print_content method by @antcarryele in #337
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 by @dependabot in #339
  • [ISSUE #338]🚀Optimize commitlog recover-3 by @mxsm in #340
  • [ISSUE #341]🎨Optimize RequestProcessor return by @mxsm in #342
  • [ISSUE #343]🚀Optimize send message by @mxsm in #344
  • [ISSUE #345]🎨Optimize recover message by @mxsm in #346
  • [ISSUE #347]🎨Create abort file by @mxsm in #348
  • [ISSUE #350]📌Optimize AppendMessageCallback trait and implemention by @mxsm in #351
  • [ISSUE #349]🚀Add trait for DefaultMappedFile by @mxsm in #352
  • [ISSUE #353]🚩Add Broker shutdown logic by @mxsm in #354
  • [ISSUE #355]🚀Implement ConsumeQueueStore recover by @mxsm in #356
  • [ISSUE #357]⚡️Replace Arc<parking_lot::Mutex> with AtomicU64 of MappedFileQueue property by @mxsm in #358
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.3.1 to 4.4.0 by @dependabot in #359
  • [ISSUE #360]🎨Optimize MessageStore recover logic by @mxsm in #361
  • [ISSUE #362]✨Implment Commit log abort recover by @mxsm in #363
  • [ISSUE #364]🎉Implement ServiceThread by @mxsm in #365
  • [ISSUE #366]🚀Implement ReputMessageService by @mxsm in #367
  • [ISSUE #368]🚀Optimize send message logic by @mxsm in #369
  • [ISSUE #370]🚀Add DefaultMessageStore ScheduleTask🚀 by @mxsm in #371
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1 by @dependabot in #372
  • [ISSUE #373]✨Optimize broker receive message logic and fix some bugs✨ by @mxsm in #374
  • Revert "Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1" by @mxsm in #376
  • [ISSUE #377]⚡️Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1⚡️ by @SpaceOneT in #378
  • [ISSUE #375]💥Implement IndexService💥 by @mxsm in #380
  • [ISSUE #381]⚡️Optimize send message logic⚡️ by @mxsm in #382
  • [ISSUE #383]💥Optimize CommitLog#put_message💡 by @mxsm in #384
  • [ISSUE #385] ✅Add test case for MessageExtEncoder by @mxsm in #386
  • [ISSUE #389]✅Add test case for file_utils🚀 by @mxsm in #390
  • [ISSUE #387]✅Add test case for EnvUtils🚀 by @mxsm in #388
  • [ISSUE #391]✅Add test case for message_utils🚀 by @mxsm in #392
  • [ISSUE #393]🚀Add assign offset in CommitLog#put_message by @mxsm in #394
  • [ISSUE #395]🔥Implement consume store recoverOffsetTable🚀 by @mxsm in #396
  • [ISSUE #397]✅Add test case for MessageSysFlag💡 by @shadowsoy in #398
  • [ISSUE #399]✅Add test case for topic_sys_flag🚀 by @shadowsoy in #400
  • [ISSUE #401]🎨Implement UtilAll method by @mxsm in #402
  • [ISSUE #403]🎨Optimize CleanupPolicyUtils by @mxsm in #404
  • [ISSUE #405]🍻Optimize TopicConfigManager register_broker_data method by @shadowsoy in #406
  • [ISSUE #407]🧑‍💻Optimize ConfigManager code by @mxsm in #408
  • [ISSUE #409]⚡️Optimize RemotingCommand decode and encode by @mxsm in #410
  • [ISSUE #411]🐛Fix DataVersion deserialize error by @mxsm in #412
  • [ISSUE #413]🚧Optimize Broker shutdown for TopicConfigManager🚀 by @mxsm in #414
  • [ISSUE #415]🎨Optmize code logic by @mxsm in #416
  • [ISSUE #417]✨Implement message persistence to disk during transmission🚀 by @mxsm in #418
  • [ISSUE #419]✨Implement message persistence to disk during transmission-2✨ by @mxsm in #420
  • [ISSUE #421]🚀Optimize and refine the dishwashing process by @mxsm in #422
  • [ISSUE #425]🐛Fix the value of the body CRC32 does not match the version in Java by @mxsm in #426
  • [ISSUE #423]🐛Fix after sending the message, the queueOffset did not increase by @mxsm in #424

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0