A collection of awesome libraries in the Leptos ecosystem.
Leptos is a framework for creating full-stack web applications using Rust.
- Leptos Book (WIP)
- Discord Community
- cargo-leptos coordinates rebuilding the server and client side of your app
- leptosfmt provides formatting for the
- Stylers Compile-time scoped CSS extracted from Leptos components
- Styled Scoped CSS styles
- turf - Macro based compile-time SCSS transpilation, CSS minification, and class name uniquification toolchain inspired by CSS modules
implementation to allow directly usingtracing_subscriber
in the browser or with NodeJS to allow for beautifultracing
integration into Leptos apps.wasm-bindgen-struct
A crate making it easier to declarewasm_bindgen
types and implement getters/setter as if they were normal Rust structs.
- leptos-use Reactive primitives to make app development easier. (Like react-use, vue-use, etc.)
- leptos-icons An icon library for Leptos
- leptos_image Optimize static images with leptos (similar to NextJS
). It converts images to .webp format, and generates Low Quality Image Placeholders (LQIP) included in your initial SSR render. - leptos_query Asynchronous cache for data fetching and state management
- leptos-declarative Declarative control-flow components
- leptos-tracked Utility traits for composing Leptos signals with fewer nested closures
- leptos-signals Additional primitives for working with signals
- leptos-tea A library for state management using The Elm Architecture (TEA) in Leptos
- leptos-leaflet Leaflet components for Leptos
- Papelito A simple WYSIWYG editor for leptos.
- leptos-server-signal Leptos signals kept in sync with the server through websockets.
- leptos.dev The official Leptos website, built with Leptos (of course.)
- Personal blog A simple markdown to html blog
- viz.rs The documentation site for Viz web framework
- khuedoan.com Markdown blog built with Leptos and Axum, styled with Tailwind CSS (source)
- nicoburniske.com Blog + Photo gallery (using leptos_image and leptos_query). Styled with Tailwind CSS.