New Features
Rank the Research Overhaul
Requires users to go through an intro process
Users will see a dedicated page that introduces and explains the feature
Users will then go through ten dedicated questions, one at a time
Users will finally be able to see the full index, which has been restyled
The most popular topic will be pulled above the fold to encourage further engagement
Endorsed questions will be shown as visual links as a proof of deliverable
Questions are binned by category (newest, most discussed)
Users can submit a question on the index page
Show page for each research topic includes the discussion
Leverages backend functionality of forums, but with custom styling and unique feel
Users are able to vote, and easily change their vote, from this page
Added a 'My Research Topics' page
Shows each research topic, along with its
Status (approved, pending review, rejected)
Endorsement rating
Added Research Highlights
Shows a list of approved research topics from the community
Each accepted question has a write up on its own separate page with unique styling, as needed
Added ability for owners to dynamically update dashboard highlights
Added a stream of recent posts to the dashboard (continously loads all posts)
Profile Changes
Members can drag and drop a new photo on the settings page
Uploaded photos are now renamed to obscure any original filename
Members can generate a random forum name, generated names are in the following format:
Each member has their own unique 'social profile' scoped by their forum name
Displays their image and overall participation stats
Displays all posts on the forum and approved research topics, chronologically
Social Sharing
Forum topics can now be easily shared
Each topic can auto generate a tweet, facebook post, and email for sharing
Members are able to share that they have just completed a survey after submission
Forum Changes
Unmoderated posts are visible to users with a visible flag that they are under review
A disclaimer is included at the bottom of a topic with unmoderated posts
Members are now assigned a forum name from a list of more than 14 billion possibilities
Members may change their forum name in their account settings if they choose
Topic subscribers are now notified immediately when a new post is created
Editing a post now sets it back to under review for regular forum members
Individual posts can now have links enabled
Link become clickable once the post is approved
Members editing their post sets the post back to under review, hence removing the clickable link
Community member profiles have been added that show a member's popular posts and forum contributions
Logging in while viewing a forum or topic page now keeps the member on that page and no longer redirects to the dashboard
Administrative Changes
Forum moderators can now get in touch with forum participants to discuss posts that may require moderation or editing
Added Provider Report
Shows the number of members who have signed up with each provider
Highlights the provider with the most members
Added Progress Report
Admin location report now better shows unmatched locations
Provider Changes
Providers now receive an informational email after updating a completed provider profile
Member welcome emails now list their provider if they signed up through a provider page
The providers index can now be searched by provider name
General Changes
Added a friendlier 404 page in case a member tries to visit a page that does not exist
Added retargeting pixel from Connect360 to landing page
Added 'Remember me' to login process to reduce landing page hits for already registered members
Consent Changes
Updated the consent to latest approved revision
User Interface
Updated to remove preset padding around each page
Maximizes screen real estate
Allows for more dynamic pages in the future
Survey module still uses interface with padding, as the surveys were optimized for this
Cleaned up the account page, and added easier jump-navigation
Cleaned up admin dashboard
Trackable links on landing page now default to local paths if the trackable link is not present
This allows better navigation in local and staging environments
Bug Fixes
Welcome modal that introduces research will only appear for nonacademic users
Answer session is no longer required to view survey reports
Login dropdown on top navigation optimized for internet explorer (text fields no longer spill over)
Fixed an issue for forum moderators where topics with hidden posts would no longer be viewable on forum index
Videos on learn page no longer cover the navigation bar when using Internet Explorer
Improved legibility of call-out text on the landing page
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