Our Toolkit is built based on socket_can and you should install it first.
And We refer to ars408X technical manual to develop this repo.
roslaunch ars_40X ars_40X.launch visualize:=true obstacle_array:=true
- visualize (default:"true") : Launches RViz to display the clusters/obstacles as markers.
- obstacle_array (default:"false") : Launches ars_40X_obstacle_array node which publishes obstacles as geometry_msgs/Polygon
Message | Type | Description | Message Box |
/radar_status | ars_40X/RadarStatus | Describe the radar configuration | 0x201 |
/ars_40X/clusters | ars_40X/ClusterList | Raw clusters data from radar | 0x600, 0x701 |
/ars_40X/objects | ars_40X/ObjectList | Raw objects data from radar | 0x60A, 0x60B, 0x60C, 0x60D |
/visualize_clusters | visualization_msgs/MarkerArray | Clusters markers for RViz visualization | - |
/visualize_objects | visualization_msgs/MarkerArray | Object markers for RViz visualization | - |
Message | Type | Description | Message Box |
/odom | nav_msgs/Odometry | Velocity and accleration information | 0x300, 0x301 |
Services |
/set_ctrl_relay_cfg |
/set_max_distance |
/set_output_type |
/set_radar_power |
/set_rcs_threshold |
/set_send_ext_info |
/set_send_quality |
/set_sensor_id |
/set_sort_index |
/set_store_in_nvm |
/set_filter |