A software system called Nalnanda Visualizer(dashboard) is used to track the progress of the Nalanda project
using the data gathered from Kolibri server. It's used to show the progress of student,class and schools
based on the different metrics e,g. correct questions, masterd topics, attempted questions etc..
In Nalanda visualizer we are showing role based data, based on the user who have access the school or class.
Currently we are done with different metrics as mentioned below:-
1. Mastery Level Metrics
2. Content Usage Metrics
3. User Session Metrics
4. Lesson Metrics
Clone repo into your directory:
Create virtual envirinment using python3
virtualenv -p python3 envname
Activate the virtual environment you have created
Install packages using
pip install -r requirement.txt
Goto Nalanda_Dashboard/static directory and type
npm install
to install frontdend dependancies -
Then create a local_setting.py file for your Django application which has the database settings.
Please refer this link to install mysql database for Django application https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/installing.html
Then try to run the application :
python manage.py runserver
You directly access it using