H&M JavaDeveloper Case Study
This project is a Recommendation System built with Java and Spring Boot. It provides RESTful APIs for getting recommendations, managing products, including creating, updating, deleting, and retrieving products. The project also includes OpenAPI documentation for easy API exploration.
- Get Recommendations by user preference. Pagination support is added for this endpoint.
- Create, update, delete, and retrieve products
- Manage product categories, events, tags, and images
- Java
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data JPA
- H2 Database
- Springdoc OpenAPI
- Gradle
- Java 17 or higher
- Gradle 7.0 or higher
##How to use this system
- Frist you need to create Category, Event, And Product tags
- Then create a product. This will create a empty enventory.
- Then you need to update the inventrory quantityOnhand to plus value.
- Now you can use Recommendations endpoit.