Fetch ERC20 transactions from any blockchain explorer using this script. It supports a wide range of explorers, including:
- Ethereum (ETH)
- Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
- Polygon (formerly Matic)
- Avalanche (AVAX) via Snowtrace
- Arbitrum
- Optimism
👉🏻 You can use both node connections and API keys from these explorers to retrieve the data.
ERC20 Token Transaction Data Retrieval for file orignal_eth.py:
This Python script allows you to fetch ERC20 token transaction data within a specified date range from the Ethereum blockchain using the Etherscan API. It splits the data into multiple CSV files based on a specified time interval.
Before running the script, you need to have the following:
- Python 3 installed on your machine.
- Necessary Python libraries (Pandas) installed.
Replace API_KEY with your Etherscan API key in the script.
Specify the ERC20 token contract address you want to retrieve data for in the main function.
Set the desired date range in the main function:
start_date_new: The start date of the date range.
end_date_new: The end date of the date range.
delta: The time interval for each data retrieval (e.g., 30 days).
Run the script:
python orignal_eth.py
- You can adjust the days and end_day variables to control the number of data retrieval iterations and the endpoint of your search.
- The script retrieves data in batches to handle large date ranges efficiently.
🧠❤️ Feel free to customize this README to include any additional information or instructions that you think would be helpful.