nan-vim is a private vim configuration which is welcome to be used by others. It's designed for remote logins by SSH. This confiuration is tested on MobaXterm based MS-Windows as local host and Ubuntu Server 16.04 as remote host.
- Install plugins
git clone --recursive ~/.nan_vimrc
cd .nan_vimrc
- Install YouCompleteMe
Please refer to YouCompleteMe
Display & Basic Operation
Colorscheme & Status line.
Solarized Colorscheme with dark baclgroud.
Status line is based on lightline.vim plugin.
Cpp highlight enhanced by vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight.
Auto-completion for quotes, parens, brackets.
Incremental searching.
Auto-changing working directory to the project root.
Display the indention levels with thin vertical lines.
Highlight line and column of current cursor.
Limit line length for red color of the 80-th column.
Resize and Maximize window
This feature is based on vim-maximizer and obvious-resize.
Shortcut | Action |
<C-Up> |
Resize window up. |
<C-Down> |
Resize window down. |
<C-Left> |
Resize window left. |
<C-Right> |
Resize window right. |
<F4> |
Toggle maximize / restore a window. |
- Directory explore
This feature is based on NERD Tree plugin.
Shortcut | Action |
<F2> |
Toggle NERD Tree |
s |
Open buffer in horizental split window |
v |
Open buffer in vertical split window |
- Comment function
This feature is based on NERD Commenter plugin.
Shortcut | Action |
<leader>c<space> |
Toggle comment state |
More details can be found from NERD Commenter.
- Find
This feature is based on CtrlP and Ctrlp-funky.
Shortcut | Action |
<leader>p |
Find file in a porject directory. |
- Buffers
This feature is based on vim-buffergator and vim-bufkill.
Shortcut | Action |
<leader>b |
Toggle for listing all buffers in a window. |
<C-s> |
Open buffer in horizental split window. |
<C-v> |
Open buffer in vertical split window. |
<C-t> |
Open buffer in a new tab. |
:BD |
Wipe a file from buffer. |
More details can be found from vim-bufkill.
- Undo & Yank
This feature is based on UndoTree and YankRing.
Shortcut | Action |
<F6> |
Show a Yank ring. |
<F7> |
Show a Undo tree in a window. |
- Snippets
This feature is based on [Unltisnips][] and vim-snippets.
Shortcut | Action |
<Tab> |
Snippets expand trigger. |
<C-f> |
Snippets jump forward. |
<C-b> |
Snippets jump backward. |
- Bookmark
This feature is based on vim-bookmarks.
Shortcut | Action |
mm |
Add / Remove book mark at current line. |
mn |
Jump to next bookmark in buffer. |
mp |
Jump tp previous bookmark in buffer. |
ma |
Show all bookmarks. |
mc |
Clear bookmarks in current buffer. |
mx |
Ckear all bookmarks. |
More details can be found from vim-bookmarks.
- Tabularize
This feature is based on Tabular.
Shortcut | Command |
<C-l> |
:Tabularize / |
Input the character you want to align and press Enter.
- Region expand
This feature is based on [vim-region-expand][].
Shortcut | Action |
+ |
Expand selective region. |
_ |
Narrow selective region. |
- Tabs
This feature is based on Tabman.
Shortcut | Action |
<F3> |
Toggle Tabman window for listing all tabs. |
<leader>tf |
Focus on tabman window. |
- Python-IDE
This feature is based on python-mode
Shortcut | Action |
<leader>r |
Run python code. |
<leader>k |
Set breakpoint. |
T |
Show doc for current word. |
- Completion
This feature is based on YouCompleteMe.
Shortcut | Action |
<C-a> |
Invoke YCM Completion. |
<Down> |
List select completion. |
Up |
List previous completion. |
<leader>j |
Goto |
- Term
This feature is based on conque-term.
Shortcut | Action |
<F8> |
Open a term. |
- Session
This feature is based on vim-session.
Shortcut | Command |
<leader>ss |
:SaveSession |
<leader>so |
:OpenSession |
- Git
This feature is based on fugitive
Command | Action |
:Gstatus |
Open window show git status . |
:Gdiff |
Compare working copy / index or resolve conflicts. |
More details can be found from fugitive.