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πŸ‘‹ Hi there

My name is Natali. I'm a frontend developer with a real passion for building attractive and complex interfaces. I do love creating modern visual effects and have built some popular snippets on CodePen (check them out below).

Additionally, I'm a beginner tech article writer. I'm interested in sharing my experience through helpful articles and tutorials.

πŸ› οΈ My stack

React Redux TypeScript JavaScript MUI Bootstrap CSS3 HTML5 Webpack Vite

✏️ My Articles

Article Description
Hand-built smoothScrollTo() Implementation (Eng) This article is a summary of my implementation of a vanilla JS alternative to the browser's scroll-behavior: smooth feature, along with a step-by-step tutorial on one of the possible implementation variants.
Function Overloadings in Typescript (Ru) This article was born from experiments with function overloading in TypeScript. After an introduction about what overloading is in general, I want to talk about the curious nuances I encountered, and how these nuances have changed my understanding of working with overloads

πŸ“₯ My In-depth Projects

The purpose of these projects is to explore certain concepts in-depth and, optionally, to share the exploration results as a tutorial or article.

Project Repo Demo Article Stack Description
smoothScrollTo() Function Concept Live Demo Article TS/JS/HTML/CSS I'm implementing my own vanilla JS alternative to the browser's scroll-behavior: smooth feature here. It's useful for cases when you need to combine this functionality with complex scroll JS behavior. Also I've experimented with RAFs here.

πŸ’» My UI/UX Open-source Projects

All the items are realizations of my ideas, fully hand-built by me from the design up to code implementation


Project Repo Demo Description
Gradient Cards Concept Live Demo Modern cards built with complex CSS3 gradients (including conic gradients) and filters. Crossbrowser and fully responsive
Glassmorphism StopWatch Live Demo A stopwatch UI/UX built in a modern glassmorphism style via React/Typescript. I've created it from the very scratch including design part. It's crossbrowser and fully responsive.
Progress Bars Collection Live Demo A collection of 4 single-element Progress Bars built with HTML/CSS/TS (with a separate JS version if needed). Fully responsive.
Timeline Slider Concept Live Demo Nice and slick timeline-like slider with gradient icons and gradient shadows. Here I've experimented with gradients and CSS Custom Properties. Fully responsive.
Direction Aware Hover Effect Live Demo Smooth direction aware hover effect for better UI/UX. Inspired by old jQuery libs with similar effects. I've tried to reproduce it but my way, without any code references. Fully responsive.
Notifications Collection Live Demo A set of 4 HTML/CSS notification concepts (success/warning/danger). I've built them to share with junior frontend developers to encourage them to use notifications in their pet projects for better UI/UX. Inspired by some Dribbble shots. Fully responsive.
Fancy Navigation Block Live Demo A fancy main page concept with multiple tiles sharing a single background image that beautifully changes on tile hover. Each tile is clickable and reveals corresponding inner page content. Fully responsive.
'Load More' Concept Live Demo A 'load more' concept is useful when users have a lengthy list of items and want to show them in parts: making more elements visible on 'Load More' button click. I've integrated Animate.css in this project, so users can choose from a long list of predefined animations.
Password Strength Validator UI Live Demo Bootstrap-compatible password strength validation UI/UX. The purpose of the project is to demonstrate how smooth and slick such an effect can be.
Multi Step Form with animations Live Demo Bootstrap-compatible multi-step form where users can choose from 1 of 5 predefined, hand-built step reveal animations. Fully responsive.
Submit buttons inspiration Live Demo A CSS3/JS animations experiment: an appealing submit button concept. When users click on them, they will first see a loading animation, followed by a successful submission animation.
Timeline Inspiration Live Demo Material UI-compatible timeline inspiration. Can be useful to present a schedule of different events. Users can set the position for each timeline item. Additionally, there is an intricate gradient effect. Fully responsive.
Tabs Navigation UI Live Demo Material UI-compatible tabs animation: animates both tab pill changes and tab content changes.
Gradient Navigation Tiles Live Demo Navigation Inspiration with separate tiles sharing a single gradient image. Users can set their own gradient image and direction. The gradient will be recalculated based on the number of navigation tiles present. Fully responsive.

πŸŽ€ My Fun Projects


Project Repo Demo Description
Halloween Icons Set Live Demo A set of 5 cute Halloween icons built exclusively with HTML/CSS (no additional images). They are also 100% scalable: users can adjust the icon sizes as they prefer without any issues
Animated Easter SVG Icons Live Demo A set of 5 funny Easter svg icons animated with anime.js lib
Christmas Icons Set Live Demo A set of 8 cute Christmas icons built exclusively with HTML/CSS (no additional images). They are also 100% scalable: users can adjust the icon sizes as they prefer without any issues

πŸ“ˆ Stats and widgets

Natali's GitHub stats GitHub Streak

Pinned Loading

  1. progress-bars-collection progress-bars-collection Public

    Progress Bars Collection (Single Element, HTML/CSS/JS)

    CSS 2

  2. timeline-slider-concept timeline-slider-concept Public

    Timeline Slider with gradients and CSS3 effects (HTML/CSS/JS)

    HTML 42 12

  3. direction-aware-hover direction-aware-hover Public

    Smooth direction aware hover effect for better UI/UX (HTML/CSS/JS)

    JavaScript 1 1

  4. notifications-collection notifications-collection Public

    Collection of HTML/CSS Notifications

    HTML 26 7

  5. tab-navigation tab-navigation Public

    HTML/CSS/JS Tabs experiment

    SCSS 49 22

  6. multisteps-form multisteps-form Public

    Multi Steps Form with animations (Bootstrap compatible)

    HTML 63 19