I'm fascinated by questions at the intersection of law and tech.
You can find out more about me on my website, and can view the source code here. These are just a few fast facts 🍃
- 🔭. I’m currently working on ways to be more intentional about my privacy online.
- 🌱. I’m currently learning security+ principles, Chinese, and smart contract legalities.
- 👯. I’m looking to collaborate on AI and morality issues.
- 🤔. I’m looking for help with the balance between anonymity and functionality.
- 💬. Ask me about why I think lawyers are programmers in disguise.
- ⚡. Fun fact: This README was not generated by GPT-3. Or was it?
N.B. In any capacity afforded to me, I wish to abstain from taking part in Copilot's, and any related AI/ML training data, in all that I do on the Internet, and especially on GitHub. This is not in an attempt to stifle the progress of AI, but rather to allow regulation the time it requires to catch up.