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nathancday committed Feb 7, 2018
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246 changes: 246 additions & 0 deletions crime_deep_dive.Rmd
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title: "Crime Data Dive"
author: "Nate Day"
date: "2/4/2018"
incremental: yes
smaller: yes
slidy_presentation: default

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)

## Why drug crime? {.build}

- Cooler than parking tickets
- Access to ~31,000 observations, over 5 years!
- Have you seen The Wire?


## Goals of this talk {.build}

- Show distribution of crime in our city
- Provide an open-template for analyzing more data
- Get people excited about using R


## Data Process {.build}

1. Open Data Portal - Crime Reports
2. Geocode via Google Map API
3. Use `library(sf) %>% tidyverse` for spatial data exploration
4. Model and test patterns with `library(spdep)` and `glm()`

```{r libs, echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE}
library(tidyverse) # duh
library(magrittr) # %<>% life
library(viridis) # it's pretty
library(sf) # the new kid
library(spdep) # the grandaddy

## Where is crime happening? {.build}

```{r crime_map, echo=FALSE}
my_github <- ""
crime_counts <- readRDS(gzcon(url(paste0(my_github,"crime_counts_sf.RDS"))))
census <- readRDS(gzcon(url(paste0(my_github,"census_sf.RDS"))))
ggplot(crime_counts) +
geom_sf(data = census) +
geom_sf(aes(size = n, color = n, alpha = n)) +
scale_color_viridis() +
crime_counts %<>% st_set_geometry(NULL)

## Most frequent addresses {.smaller .build}
Top 3 address for drug crime and not drug crime
```{r most_frequent, echo = T}
arrange(crime_counts, -n) %>% group_by(drug_flag) %>% slice(1:3)

The police station's address is 606 E Market Street....

## What is going on at the police station? {.smaller .build}

"The answer is quite simple - when individuals walk in to the police department to file a report the physical address of the department (606 E Market Street) is often used in that initial report if no other known address is available at the time. This is especially true for incidents of found or lost property near the downtown mall where there is no true known incident location. The same is true for any warrant services that result in a police report occurring at the police department." - CPD


## Test if proportions are different {.smaller .build}

```{r police_station_proportions, echo = TRUE}
station_props <- arrange(crime_counts, -n) %>%
group_by(drug_flag) %>%
add_count(wt = n) %>%
with(station_props, prop.test(n, nn)) %>% tidy

## Aggregate into areas {.smaller .build}

Census blocks make a lot of sense becuase:

+ Tons of data in Census and American Community Surveys
+ Reputable source with code books and APIs
+ Easy to access in R via ODP and `library(tidycensus)`


## Start to do it {.smaller .build}
```{r census_pop, echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.height=4, cache = TRUE}
long_url <- ""
census <- geojsonio::geojson_read(long_url, what = "sp") %>%
ggplot(census, aes(fill = HU_Vacant / Housing_Units)) +
geom_sf() + scale_fill_viridis()

## Keep doing it {.smaller .build}

+ Start with geocoded version
```{r raw_geo, message=FALSE, echo = TRUE}
crime <- read_csv("")
crime %<>% filter(complete.cases(.))
crime %<>% filter(address != "600 E MARKET ST Charlottesville VA")

+ Convert to `sf`, with same CRS (critical)
```{r crime_sf, echo = TRUE}
crime %<>% st_as_sf(coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = st_crs(census))

+ Use `sf::st_within()` and friends
```{r st_within, echo = TRUE, message = FALSE}
crime %<>% mutate(within = st_within(crime, census) %>% as.numeric) %>%

There are bunch of other great `st_x(sf_a, sf_b)` functions too. If you want to do it, there's a tool for it.

## Done with it {.smaller .build}

+ Flag by interest
```{r drug_flag, echo = TRUE}
crime %<>% mutate(drug_flag = ifelse(grepl("drug", Offense, = TRUE),
"drugs", "not_drugs"))

+ Summarise with `tidyverse`

```{r tidy_sum, echo = TRUE}
crime_block <- st_set_geometry(crime, NULL) %>% # remove geometry for spread() to work
group_by(within, drug_flag) %>%
count() %>%
spread(drug_flag, n) %>%
mutate(frac_drugs = drugs / sum(drugs + not_drugs)) %>%
ungroup() # geom_sf doesn't care for grouped dfs/tbls

+ Join in
```{r, echo = TRUE}
census %<>% inner_join(crime_block, by = c("OBJECTID" = "within"))

## Hot blocks {.smaller}

```{r, echo = TRUE}
ggplot(census, aes(fill = frac_drugs)) +
geom_sf() + scale_fill_viridis()

## Is it random? {.smaller}

Test with Moran's I statistic

```{r, fig.height = 3}
census_sp <- as(census, "Spatial")
block_wnb <- poly2nb(census_sp) %>% nb2listw$frac_drugs, block_wnb, nsim = 999) %>% tidy

## Get more data {.smaller}
Get median `income` and `age` data from the American Community Survey via `tidycensus` to supplement housing and demographics from the Census.

```{r model_vars, echo=F, fig.height = 4, warning =F, message = F}
cvl <- get_acs(geography = "block group", county = "Charlottesville", state = "VA",
variables = c("B19013_001", "B01002_001") )
decode <- c("income", "age") %>% set_names(c("B19013_001", "B01002_001"))
cvl$variable %<>% decode[.]
cvl %<>% select(GEOID, variable, estimate) %>%
spread(variable, estimate)
# ggplot(cvl, aes(age, income)) +
# geom_point()
# missing values
# let's impute them by neighbors
cvl %<>% rename(BlockGroup = GEOID)
census %<>% full_join(cvl)
# sequester the missing values value
miss <- census %>% filter(
# calculate the mean its neightbors
miss$income <- st_touches(miss, census) %>% # return the row_ids for adjacent polygons
map_dbl(~ census[., ] %>% with(mean(income))) # calculate the means per missing block
# builder decoder
dc <- miss$income %>% set_names(miss$OBJECTID)
# back together again
census %<>% mutate(income = ifelse(, dc[as.character(OBJECTID)], income))
census %<>% mutate(frac_black = Black / Population,
frac_vacant = HU_Vacant / Housing_Units)
# pred column positions for ggpairs()
pred_cols <- match(c("frac_drugs", "frac_vacant", "age", "income", "frac_black"), names(census))
ggpairs(census, columns = pred_cols)

## What are the strong predictors? {.smaller .build}

Since the response is the proportion of drug crime to total, i.e. bounded by 0 and 1, we want to use the quasibinomial distribution instead of the Gaussian.

```{r mod_sum}
mod <- glm(frac_drugs ~ frac_black + frac_vacant + income + age,
data = census, family = quasibinomial())
summary(mod) %>% coefficients()

Test `resid(mod)` again for spatial correlation, a good model should have randomly dispearsed residuals.

```{r}, block_wnb, nsim = 999) %>% tidy

## Questions? | Thanks for listening

339 changes: 339 additions & 0 deletions crime_deep_dive.html

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