A portfolio page (Final Project in Introduction to Web Development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript course, part of IBM Full Stack Software Developer Professional Certificate).
The project is a static single-page portfolio which can be shared with prospective employers. It includes the following sections:
- About Me
- Skills
- Projects
- Recommendations
- The styled name appears on the top-left of the page.
- The navigation bar has 4 options (About, Skills, Projects, and Recommendations). On mouse hover, the font and text styling change and the cursor arrow pointer changes to a finger pointer.
- The “About Me” section has a unique profile image, name, and text reflecting a summary of my profile.
- New recommendations get added to the existing list of recommendations.
- Upon submitting a recommendation, a pop-up message with a confirmation dialogue appears.
It's an opportunity to put my HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills into practice.
Please see the project's GitHub Pages site.
Users can contact the project's maintainers and contributors for help.
README adapted from GitHub Docs.