*before running use pip install ttkthemes
This project, Pathfinding Algorithm Visualizer, is a program that lets the user see the steps of each pathfinding algorithm in a grid.
Since Algorithm is an important part of computer science-related subjects and learning by visualization is one of the intuitive ways to learn, the objective of this project is to help learners grasp a better understanding of how each algorithm works.
- First, the user selects the start cell and destination cell by clicking on one of the cells in the grid. The start cell is marked with the color yellow, the destination cell is marked with the color blue.
- After that, the user can make walls that block the path, which will be marked with green. The user can also choose to generate a maze randomly(using the recursive backtracking algorithm) by clicking on the “Generate Maze” button or to clear the grid by clicking on the “Clear” button.
- Then, the user can choose their desired algorithm from the drop-down menu, the algorithms include Breadth-First Search, Depth-First Search, Dijkstra Shortest Path Algorithm, and A*(A-star) Algorithm.
- Finally, the user must click on the “Start” button to start the process. The program will show how the algorithm works by showing the discovered cells with orange and will show the cells to be visited next with magenta. If the program found the path to the destination cell, it’ll show a popup window to display the number of cells visited and the length of the path found and the path found will be marked with red