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forcing structure

Ludovic Lepers edited this page Jan 16, 2025 · 1 revision

Forcing structure

The forcings are divided into domain. A domain can contain the following forcings type:

  • Hydro+bathymmetry
  • Meteo
  • Wave

One domain can contains only one instance of each at the most. At least one forcing type must be defined.

The model contains an array of domain. They are ordered such as the model will always try to use the data contained at the start of the list, if not available (variable not defined or position outside of the domain), the model will look into the next one and so on.

The size of the domain is defined to contains all the netcdf files of the forcings type.This means that if a small forcing of wave is provided with a large forcing of meteo, the forcing of meteo will be "cut" to fit the wave.

Datastructure of forcings in OSERIT

    class Domain{
        real lon_min
        real lon_max
        real lat_min
        real lat_max
        forcingType[3] forcings
    class ForcingType{
      integer[] times
      integer[] times_old

      real[] lons
      real[] lats

      Forcing_var[] vars

      DepthData depth_data

    class ForcingVar{
      integer time
      integer time_old
      real[,,] var
      real[,,] var_old
      logical is_3D

    class DepthData{
      logical depth_set
      real[] sigma_layers
      real[,] depth_mean
      ForcingVar depth_tot
      ForcingVar depth
    Domain *-- ForcingType 
    ForcingType *-- ForcingVar 
    ForcingType *-- DepthData 
    DepthData *-- ForcingVar 
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