Welcome! You are at the root of the Nava Labs Decision Support Tool pilot repo.
To set up your local development environment, follow the instructions in Getting Started.
Chat engines (defined in app/src/chat_engine.py) are downstream consumers of data sources. To add a new engine, a class must be created with the following attributes: engine_id
, name
, datasets
(which must match the name of the ingestion dataset's script, see below), and a formatting_config
which determines how the chat engine's response is formatted.
The engine_id
determines the endpoint of the chatbot, while the datasets
list points to the data sources to be consumed by the engine.
The application supports using data from various sources including web scraping, JSON files, and PDFs. We have automated scripts for scraping and ingesting data from several sources.
The ./refresh-ingestion.sh
script automates most of the scraping and ingestion process for all data sources. This is the recommended approach for refreshing data. The following subsections first describe how to use this script, then detail each step performed by the script in case you want to run them individually.
To refresh all data sources at once, use the refresh-ingestion.sh script from within /app
./refresh-ingestion.sh all
This will scrape and ingest data from all supported sources except for 'ssa' (which requires manual scraping). The script only modifies the local database. To update the database in the respective deployment environments, the script generates 2 other scripts in the top-level directory: refresh-dev-*.sh
and refresh-prod-*.sh
, which should be reviewed before running.
Note that for the imagine_la dataset, you'll need to set the CONTENTHUB_PASSWORD environment variable:
export CONTENTHUB_PASSWORD="your_password_here"
./refresh-ingestion.sh all
To refresh a specific data source, specify the dataset ID:
./refresh-ingestion.sh ca_ftb
For the imagine_la dataset:
CONTENTHUB_PASSWORD="your_password_here" ./refresh-ingestion.sh imagine_la
Available datasets include: imagine_la, ca_ftb, ca_public_charge, ca_wic, covered_ca, irs, edd, la_policy, and ssa.
The following sections describe each step performed by the refresh-ingestion.sh script in case you want to run them individually.
The refresh-ingestion.sh script handles both scraping and ingestion. For manual scraping:
make scrapy-runner args="dataset_id --debug"
For the imagine_la dataset:
make scrape-imagine-la CONTENTHUB_PASSWORD=your_password_here
For la_policy, which requires dynamic content scraping:
make scrape-la-county-policy
make scrapy-runner args="la_policy --debug"
For manual ingestion, you can use the make commands directly:
make ingest-imagine-la DATASET_ID="Benefits Information Hub" BENEFIT_PROGRAM=mixed BENEFIT_REGION=California FILEPATH=src/ingestion/imagine_la/scrape/pages
make ingest-runner args="edd --json_input=src/ingestion/edd_scrapings.json"
Note that the DATASET_ID will be used in the chatbot web UI to prefix each citation, so use a user-friendly identifier like "CA EDD".
- The same
identifier can be used for multiple documents to represent that they belong in the same dataset. - Example
values includehousing
can correspond to a town, city, state, country, or any geographic area.
The Docker container mounts the /app
folder, so FILEPATH should be relative to /app
. /app/documents
is ignored by git, so is a good place for files you want to load but not commit.
The refresh-ingestion.sh script generates deployment scripts for both dev and prod environments. After running the script, you'll find refresh-dev-YYYY-MM-DD.sh and refresh-prod-YYYY-MM-DD.sh in the top-level directory.
For manual deployment, the deployed application includes an S3 bucket, following the format s3://decision-support-tool-app-<env>
, e.g., s3://decision-support-tool-app-dev
After authenticating with AWS, from the root of this repo run:
aws s3 cp path/to/scrapings.json s3://decision-support-tool-app-dev/
./bin/run-command app <ENVIRONMENT> '["ingest-runner", "dataset_id", "--json_input", "s3://decision-support-tool-app-dev/scrapings.json"]'
with your environment, e.g., dev
For large datasets like edd and la_policy, use the --resume
flag to continue ingestion from where it last stopped:
./bin/run-command app <ENVIRONMENT> '["ingest-runner", "edd", "--json_input", "s3://decision-support-tool-app-dev/edd/edd_scrapings.json", "--resume"]'
This will commit the DB transaction for each Document, rather than committing after all Document records are added.
For dry-runs or exporting of markdown files, avoid reading and writing to the DB during ingestion by adding the --skip_db
make ingest-runner args="dataset_id --json_input=path/to/scrapings.json --skip_db"
Or set the environment variable before running refresh-ingestion.sh:
./refresh-ingestion.sh dataset_id
To have answers generated for multiple questions at once, create a .csv file with a question
column, for example:
"What is the base period for SDI?"
"Where can I find the Spanish version of the claims information?"
"What types of support does the program offer for individuals recovering from an illness or injury?"
Then, in the chat interface, submit the message Batch processing
to the chatbot and upload the .csv file when prompted.
The input file can have additional columns beyond question
. They will be preserved in the output file, in addition to the response columns.
Since the DB contents will be replaced upon reingestion, new UUIDs will be generated for reingested chunks and documents, which can make diagnosing problems challenging when logs refer to UUIDs that no longer exist in the DB. Before running refresh-ingestion.sh
, it behooves us to create a backup of DB contents so we can reference the old UUIDs (after restoring the backup to a local DB).
To backup DB contents for the dev
deployment, run ./bin/run-command app dev '["pg-dump", "backup"]'
to create a PostgreSQL dump file and upload it to the pg_dumps
folder in S3. For the prod
environment, replace dev
with prod
To restore the DB contents locally, run make pg-dump args="restore --dumpfile db.dump"
, replacing db.dump
with the file downloaded from S3. Run make pg-dump args="--help"
for more options.