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Embedded hierarchical state–driven dynamic HTML content generation: this repo shows off using Qoraal’s statemachine-centric approach to build dynamic HTML.


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Qoraal Tic-Tac-Toe

This is what it all was for. Third door on the left, if you dare...


Check this out first—then hit me.

decl_name       "tic-tac-toe"
decl_version    1

decl_events {

statemachine tictactoe {

    startstate ready

    state ready {
         * Entering the ready state signals readiness (html_ready) to render HTML 
         * when the _html_render event is received.
        enter (html_ready)
        action (_tictac_restart, tictac_restart)
        action (_tictac_tick, tictac_play, [e])
        event (_html_render, html_head)

         * On receiving _html_render, transition to html_head.
         * The exit action begins the "text/html" response.
         * All subsequent html_emit calls append content to the response.
        exit (html_response, HTML)

    state html {
        enter (html_emit,       "<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n"
                                "<html lang=\"en\">\r\n")
         * Exiting the html superstate closes the document by emitting the </html> tag.
        exit (html_emit,        "</html>\r\n")

    super html {
        state html_head {
             * Engine Machine Language commands are single-line, 
             * but multi-line text blocks are supported. 
             * The closing bracket must be on the same line as the final text line.
            enter (html_emit,   "<head>\r\n"
                                "<meta charset=\"UTF-8\">\r\n"
                                "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">\r\n"
                                "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/engine/tictaccss\">\r\n")
            event (_state_start, html_board_title)
            exit (html_emit,    "</head>\r\n")

    super html {
         * States can be nested. You can either nest them directly or repeat the "super" identifier.
        state html_body {
            enter (html_emit,   "<body>\r\n")
             * html_subst_emit enables token substitution for identifiers in square brackets ([]).
             * Escape brackets if substitution is not intended.
            exit (html_subst_emit,    "<button class=\"restart-btn\" onclick=\"window.location.href='/engine/tictactoe/[_tictac_restart]'\">Restart</button>\r\n"
                                "<button class=\"restart-btn\" onclick=\"window.location.href='/index'\">Take Me Home</button>"

        super html_body {
            state html_board_title {
                action (_state_start, html_emit,                        "<h1>Tic-Tac-Toe</h1>\r\n")
                action_ld (_state_start, [a], tictac_status)
                action_eq (_state_start, TICTAC_DRAW,       html_emit,  "<div id=\"winner-message\" class=\"winner\"> Draw </div>\r\n\r\n")
                action_eq (_state_start, TICTAC_PLAYER_WIN, html_emit,  "<div id=\"winner-message\" class=\"winner\"> 👑 Player Wins! 👑 </div>\r\n")
                action_eq (_state_start, TICTAC_AI_WIN,     html_emit,  "<div id=\"winner-message\" class=\"winner\"> 🎉 AI Wins! 🎉 </div>\r\n")
                event (_state_start, html_board_cell)
            state html_board {
                 * Reset the register [r] (cell counter) to zero before rendering the board.
                enter (r_load, 0)
                enter (html_emit,   "<div class=\"board\">\r\n")
                exit (html_emit,    "</div>\r\n")

            super html_board {
                state html_board_cell {
                    action_ld (_state_start, [a], tictac_cell, [r])

                     * If a cell is open, render it as a clickable link triggering a _tictac_tick event.
                     * The cell number is passed via the [e] event register.
                    action_eq (_state_start, TICTAC_OPEN,   html_subst_emit,"<div class=\"cell\">"
                                                                            "<a href=\"/engine/tictactoe/[_tictac_tick]/[r]\" "

                    action_eq (_state_start, TICTAC_PLAYER,     html_emit,  "<div class=\"cell x\"></div>\r\n")
                    action_eq (_state_start, TICTAC_AI,         html_emit,  "<div class=\"cell o\"></div>\r\n")
                    action_eq (_state_start, TICTAC_PLAYER_BLINK,   html_emit,  "<div class=\"cell x blink\"></div>\r\n")
                    action_eq (_state_start, TICTAC_AI_BLINK,       html_emit,  "<div class=\"cell o blink\"></div>\r\n")

                     * Increment register [r] after processing each cell.
                     * Once [r] reaches 9, the accumulator [a] is set and the event transition to "ready".
                     * Otherwise, the event transition back to "html_board_cell" rendering the next cell.
                    action (_state_start, r_inc, 9)
                    event_nt (_state_start, html_board_cell)
                    event_if (_state_start, ready)

Quick Start

This demo application can be compiled using the POSIX port, allowing you to evaluate it directly in a GitHub Codespace or on your PC! For embedded targets, the following RTOS options are supported: ChibiOS, FreeRTOS, and ThreadX (provided you have an IP stack like LwIP).

⚠️ Note: If running in GitHub Codespaces, the application will use port forwarding. Once the web server starts on port 8080, you'll get a browser link for accessing the web interface on that port.

Running on Windows/Linux/Codespace

  1. Open your development environment and clone the repository. If you use a GitHub Codespace, the repository is preloaded—just open a terminal (ctrl+`).
  2. Run the appropriate script based on your OS:
# For Linux or Codespace:
$ sh ./  

# For Windows:
> build_and_run.bat  
  1. When the application starts, a shell will open in the terminal, displaying startup logs. Look for WSERV : : web server running on port 8080 without SSL!!.
  2. Now you can access the web interface:
    • In a codespace, click on the link for the forwarded port. This should show in the PORTS tab of your terminal.
    • On your local PC, use (or your build machine’s local IP if running remotely).

That’s it—you're up and running! 🚀 Need more options? Check out Qoraal Http and Qoraal Engine.

On system startup, the Tic-Tac AI initializes with a model trained over 200,000 iterations. The initial model parameters were precomputed and stored to ensure immediate availability at launch.

💡 Tip: You can retrain your AI using the console command tictactrain x, where x is the number of iterations you want to train it for.

So dive in and experience how structured state machines can transform your approach to rendering, interactivity, and even game logic!

Lets get into it

At its core, a hierarchical state machine can be powerful tool for structuring logic in a modular, maintainable way. When you use it to render structured text like HTML, you unlock flexible method for building dynamic web applications.

The Qoraal Engine and Qoraal HTTP framework leverages this concept by mapping state transitions to HTML rendering, it turns what could be a tangle of code into a clear, hierarchical process. This not only keeps your code neat and scalable but also makes development easy, as every state tells a part of the application's story.

Qoraal Engine goes even further by integrating backend logic, as demonstrated in the tic-tac-toe example. Functions tictac_play, tictac_status, and tictac_cell connect with the AI game backend, handling moves, checking game status, while html_ready, html_response and html_emit update the board rendering. The beauty of Qoraal Engine together with Qoraal HTTP is in how it unifies these components: the state machine manages the HTML output and user interactions, while the backend logic processes the game mechanics, resulting in a cohesive and dynamic experience.

With this approach, your web applications gain a structured backbone that’s easy to extend and maintain. Whether you're building interactive dashboards, dynamic content systems, or even AI-driven interfaces like this Tic-Tac-Toe game, Qoraal Engine streamlines the complexity into a modular, declarative flow. Now, it’s time to see it in action.


Embedded hierarchical state–driven dynamic HTML content generation: this repo shows off using Qoraal’s statemachine-centric approach to build dynamic HTML.








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