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Selenium Testing Module

Navaz Alani edited this page Aug 18, 2019 · 1 revision

This module contains a set of functions which automate browser initiation and prettify logging for Selenium.


When using Selenium WebDriver to automate E2E testing, one needs a driver which Selenium can use to control the browser. In the case of Google Chrome, its the chromedriver.

Getting the driver and setting it up is usually manual and is somewhat error prone.

What this module offers

This module offers the browser_init function which can be used as follows:

browser_init : browser_name: str, ops=[], exp_ops=[], headless_download=False) -> WebDriver


broswer_init takes the following arguments:

  • REQUIRED: browser_name: str - one of "firefox", "chrome", "edge","gecko", "opera_chromium", "opera"
  • ops: list = [] - options such as "headless", "verbose"
  • exp_ops: list = [] - experimental options
  • headless_download: bool = False - This is a feature which is aimed at working around the chromium sercurity feature prohibiting downloads in headless mode. Set True to download in headless mode.

and returns a WebDriver object.

Also offered is the p_print function which can be used to prettify command line output so that tests can be understood by the greater team.

p_print takes in the following arguments:

  • REQUIRED: s: any - object to print
  • n: int = 0 - This is the parameter specifying the indent level of the output
  • toc: str = None - Token which can be used to color the output. Use token 'info' for yellow, 's' for green (success) and 'f' for red (failure).

returns None and outputs to stdout.

Finally, user_exit is a debug function that can be used to prevent the driver from closing when the test script execution complete. It prompts the user to close the session. It should be executed as the last command in the script.

user_exit takes in 1 argument:

REQUIRED: driver: WebDriver - a WebDriver object

returns None and prompts the user to exit test manually.

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