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1.7.7 loopd gRPC
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rsafier committed Jan 3, 2025
1 parent fe84e39 commit c769f8a
Showing 3 changed files with 554 additions and 6 deletions.
556 changes: 552 additions & 4 deletions LNUnit.LND/Grpc/looprpc/client.proto
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -149,6 +149,51 @@ service SwapClient {
rpc ListInstantOuts (ListInstantOutsRequest)
returns (ListInstantOutsResponse);

/* loop: `static newstaticaddress`
NewStaticAddress requests a new static address for loop-ins from the server.
rpc NewStaticAddress (NewStaticAddressRequest)
returns (NewStaticAddressResponse);

/* loop: `static listunspentdeposits`
ListUnspentDeposits returns a list of utxos deposited at a static address.
rpc ListUnspentDeposits (ListUnspentDepositsRequest)
returns (ListUnspentDepositsResponse);

/* loop:`static withdraw`
WithdrawDeposits withdraws a selection or all deposits of a static address.
rpc WithdrawDeposits (WithdrawDepositsRequest)
returns (WithdrawDepositsResponse);

/* loop:`listdeposits`
ListStaticAddressDeposits returns a list of filtered static address
rpc ListStaticAddressDeposits (ListStaticAddressDepositsRequest)
returns (ListStaticAddressDepositsResponse);

/* loop:`listswaps`
ListStaticAddressSwaps returns a list of filtered static address
rpc ListStaticAddressSwaps (ListStaticAddressSwapsRequest)
returns (ListStaticAddressSwapsResponse);

/* loop:`static summary`
GetStaticAddressSummary returns a summary of static address related
rpc GetStaticAddressSummary (StaticAddressSummaryRequest)
returns (StaticAddressSummaryResponse);

/* loop:`static`
StaticAddressLoopIn initiates a static address loop-in swap.
rpc StaticAddressLoopIn (StaticAddressLoopInRequest)
returns (StaticAddressLoopInResponse);

message LoopOutRequest {
@@ -741,6 +786,13 @@ message QuoteRequest {
probing and payment.
bool private = 7;

Static address deposit outpoints that will be quoted for. This option only
pertains to loop in swaps. Either this or the amt parameter can be set at
the same time.
repeated string deposit_outpoints = 8;

message InQuoteResponse {
@@ -1338,20 +1390,24 @@ message ClientReservation {
The state the reservation is in.
string state = 2;

The amount that the reservation is for.
The amount that the reservation is for.
uint64 amount = 3;

The transaction id of the reservation.
The transaction id of the reservation.
string tx_id = 4;

The vout of the reservation.
The vout of the reservation.
uint32 vout = 5;

The expiry of the reservation.
The expiry of the reservation.
uint32 expiry = 6;
@@ -1381,10 +1437,12 @@ message InstantOutResponse {
The hash of the swap preimage.
bytes instant_out_hash = 1;

The transaction id of the sweep transaction.
string sweep_tx_id = 2;

The state of the swap.
@@ -1452,3 +1510,493 @@ message InstantOut {
string sweep_tx_id = 5;

message NewStaticAddressRequest {
The client's public key for the 2-of-2 MuSig2 taproot static address.
bytes client_key = 1;

message NewStaticAddressResponse {
The taproot static address.
string address = 1;

The CSV expiry of the static address.
uint32 expiry = 2;

message ListUnspentDepositsRequest {
The number of minimum confirmations a utxo must have to be listed.
int32 min_confs = 1;

The number of maximum confirmations a utxo may have to be listed. A zero
value indicates that there is no maximum.
int32 max_confs = 2;

message ListUnspentDepositsResponse {
A list of utxos behind the static address.
repeated Utxo utxos = 1;

message Utxo {
The static address of the utxo.
string static_address = 1;

The value of the unspent coin in satoshis.
int64 amount_sat = 2;

The outpoint in the form txid:index.
string outpoint = 3;

The number of confirmations for the Utxo.
int64 confirmations = 4;

message WithdrawDepositsRequest {
The outpoints of the deposits to withdraw.
repeated OutPoint outpoints = 1;

If set to true, all deposits will be withdrawn.
bool all = 2;

The address to withdraw the funds to.
string dest_addr = 3;

The fee rate in sat/vbyte to use for the withdrawal transaction.
int64 sat_per_vbyte = 4;

message WithdrawDepositsResponse {
The transaction hash of the withdrawal transaction.
string withdrawal_tx_hash = 1;

The pkscript of the withdrawal transaction.
string pk_script = 2;

message OutPoint {
Raw bytes representing the transaction id.
bytes txid_bytes = 1;

Reversed, hex-encoded string representing the transaction id.
string txid_str = 2;

The index of the output on the transaction.
uint32 output_index = 3;

message ListStaticAddressDepositsRequest {
Filters the list of all stored deposits by deposit state.
DepositState state_filter = 1;

Filters the list of all stored deposits by the outpoint.
repeated string outpoints = 2;

message ListStaticAddressDepositsResponse {
A list of all deposits that match the filtered state.
repeated Deposit filtered_deposits = 1;

message ListStaticAddressSwapsRequest {

message ListStaticAddressSwapsResponse {
A list of all swaps known static address loop-in swaps.
repeated StaticAddressLoopInSwap swaps = 1;

message StaticAddressSummaryRequest {

message StaticAddressSummaryResponse {
The static address of the client.
string static_address = 1;

The CSV expiry of the static address.
uint64 relative_expiry_blocks = 2;

The total number of deposits.
uint32 total_num_deposits = 3;

The total value of unconfirmed deposits.
int64 value_unconfirmed_satoshis = 4;

The total value of confirmed deposits.
int64 value_deposited_satoshis = 5;

The total value of all expired deposits.
int64 value_expired_satoshis = 6;

The total value of all deposits that have been withdrawn.
int64 value_withdrawn_satoshis = 7;

The total value of all loop-ins that have been finalized.
int64 value_looped_in_satoshis = 8;

The total value of all htlc timeout sweeps that the client swept.
int64 value_htlc_timeout_sweeps_satoshis = 9;

enum DepositState {
UNKNOWN_STATE is the default state of a deposit.

DEPOSITED indicates that the deposit has been sufficiently confirmed on

WITHDRAWING indicates that the deposit is currently being withdrawn. It
flips to WITHDRAWN once the withdrawal transaction has been sufficiently

WITHDRAWN indicates that the deposit has been withdrawn.

LOOPING_IN indicates that the deposit is currently being used in a static
address loop-in swap.

LOOPED_IN indicates that the deposit was used in a static address loop-in

SWEEP_HTLC_TIMEOUT indicates that the deposit is part of an active loop-in
of which the respective htlc was published by the server and the timeout
path has opened up for the client to sweep.

HTLC_TIMEOUT_SWEPT indicates that the timeout path of the htlc has been
swept by the client.

PUBLISH_EXPIRED indicates that the deposit has expired and the sweep
transaction has been published.

WAIT_FOR_EXPIRY_SWEEP indicates that the deposit has expired and the sweep
transaction has not yet been sufficiently confirmed.

EXPIRED indicates that the deposit has expired and the sweep transaction
has been sufficiently confirmed.

message Deposit {
The identifier of the deposit.
bytes id = 1;

The state of the deposit.
DepositState state = 2;

The outpoint of the deposit in format txid:index.
string outpoint = 3;

The value of the deposit in satoshis.
int64 value = 4;

The block height at which the deposit was confirmed.
int64 confirmation_height = 5;

The number of blocks that are left until the deposit cannot be used for a
loop-in swap anymore.
int64 blocks_until_expiry = 6;

message StaticAddressLoopInSwap {
The swap hash of the swap. It represents the unique identifier of the swap.
bytes swap_hash = 1;

repeated string deposit_outpoints = 2;

StaticAddressLoopInSwapState state = 3;

The swap amount of the swap. It is the sum of the values of the deposit
outpoints that were used for this swap.
int64 swap_amount_satoshis = 4;

The invoiced swap amount. It is the swap amount minus the quoted server
int64 payment_request_amount_satoshis = 5;

enum StaticAddressLoopInSwapState {












message StaticAddressLoopInRequest {
The outpoints of the deposits to loop-in.
repeated string outpoints = 1;

Maximum satoshis we are willing to pay the server for the swap. This value
is not disclosed in the swap initiation call, but if the server asks for a
higher fee, we abort the swap. Typically this value is taken from the
response of the GetQuote call.
int64 max_swap_fee_satoshis = 2;

Optionally the client can specify the last hop pubkey when requesting a
loop-in quote. This is useful to get better off-chain routing fee from the
bytes last_hop = 3;

An optional label for this swap. This field is limited to 500 characters and
may not be one of the reserved values in loop/labels Reserved list.
string label = 4;

An optional identification string that will be appended to the user agent
string sent to the server to give information about the usage of loop. This
initiator part is meant for user interfaces to add their name to give the
full picture of the binary used (loopd, LiT) and the method used for
triggering the swap (loop CLI, autolooper, LiT UI, other 3rd party UI).
string initiator = 5;

Optional route hints to reach the destination through private channels.
repeated looprpc.RouteHint route_hints = 6;

Private indicates whether the destination node should be considered private.
In which case, loop will generate hop hints to assist with probing and
bool private = 7;

The swap payment timeout allows the user to specify an upper limit for the
amount of time the server is allowed to take to fulfill the off-chain swap
payment. If the timeout is reached the swap will be aborted on the server
side and the client can retry the swap with different parameters.
uint32 payment_timeout_seconds = 8;

message StaticAddressLoopInResponse {
The swap hash that identifies this swap.
bytes swap_hash = 1;

The state the swap is in.
string state = 2;

The amount of the swap.
uint64 amount = 3;

The htlc cltv expiry height of the swap.
int32 htlc_cltv = 4;

The quoted swap fee in satoshis.
int64 quoted_swap_fee_satoshis = 5;

The maximum total swap fee the client is willing to pay for the swap.
int64 max_swap_fee_satoshis = 6;

The block height at which the swap was initiated.
uint32 initiation_height = 7;

The static address protocol version.
string protocol_version = 8;

An optional label for this swap.
string label = 9;

An optional identification string that will be appended to the user agent
string sent to the server to give information about the usage of loop. This
initiator part is meant for user interfaces to add their name to give the
full picture of the binary used (loopd, LiT) and the method used for
triggering the swap (loop CLI, autolooper, LiT UI, other 3rd party UI).
string initiator = 10;

The swap payment timeout allows the user to specify an upper limit for the
amount of time the server is allowed to take to fulfill the off-chain swap
payment. If the timeout is reached the swap will be aborted on the server
side and the client can retry the swap with different parameters.
uint32 payment_timeout_seconds = 11;
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LNUnit.LND/LNUnit.LND.csproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<PackageDescription>LNUnit LND Typed Clients</PackageDescription>
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LNUnit/LNUnit.csproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<PackageDescription>Lightning Network Unit Testing Framework</PackageDescription>

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