The BonoboFlow pipeline is a dedicated tool developed for the precise execution of viral genome assembly and haplotypes construction from MinION sequencing reads
BonoboFlow ~ version 1.0
BonoboFlow is a nextflow pipeline for reproducible and precise execution of viral genome assembly and haplotypes construction
BonoboFlow requires: nextflow (version 24.04.2) docker or singularity
We recommend to install the packages as follow
git clone && \
conda create -n bonoboflow -c bioconda -c conda-forge openjdk=11 nextflow=24.04.2 python && \
conda activate bonoboflow
conda activate bonoboflow
nextflow run --help
The pipeline takes in the FAST5/POD5 or FASTQ file from Nanopore sequencing technology
conda activate bonoboflow
nextflow run -resume --in_fastq <directory to input files> --outfile <directory to output files> --ref_genome <directory to reference genome> --sample_id <csv of sample IDs and barcode ID> -w <directory to save the work files>
Mandatory arguments:
--in_fastq Path to input fastq dirctory. Note: If you specify this you dont have to specify the --raw_file
--raw_file Path to raw POD5 or FAST5 files. Note: If you specify this, make sure you change the --basecalling flag to ON
--outfile Path to output directory
--ref_genome reference sequence
--sample_id a csv file containing barcode_Ids and sample Ids. An example csv file is provided in the BonoboFlow directory
Other arguments:
--cpu cpus to used during the analyis. (default: 8)
--phred minimum sequence quality score (default: 12)
--lowerlength set the lower length for input reads filter (default: 1000)
--upperlength set the upper length for input reads filter (default: 20000)
--memory Memory allocated for each process. (default: 30 GB)
--pipeline Specify whether you want to do genome assembly or haplotype reconstruction. (default: haplotype)
--genomesize Only required if you are running genome assembly (default: 5k)
--basecalling Please specify whether you would like to carry out basecalling (default: OFF). If "ON" ensure to provide raw files
Basecalling arguments:
--basecallers specify the basecalling tool (default: basecaller the alternative: duplex)
--model Please specify the spped to run basecalling, the (default: sup the alternatives: fast, hac)
Barcoding arguments:
--barcods barcods used during sequencing. (default: "EXP-NBD104 EXP-NBD114")
--min_score_rear_barcode minimum quality of of rear barcode (default: 75)
--min_score_front_barcode minimum quality of a rear barcode (default: 75)
mapping argements:
--min_mq have mapping quality (default: 30)
Error_correction arguments:
--repr_percentile cluster representative percentile (default: 0.15)
--score_threshold minimum score for two reads to be in the same gene cluster (default: 0.2)
--kmer_size k-mer size for isoform clustering (default: 11, maximum: 16)
--split-size split target sequences into chunks of desired size in lines, only valid when using --split (default: 10000)
--cudapoa_batches number of batches for CUDA accelerated polishing (default: 0)
--cudaaligner-batches number of batches for CUDA accelerated alignment (default: 0)
Haplotype arguments:
--maxLD_floats Maximum local divergence allowed for merging haplotypes. (default: 0.01)
--maxGD_floats Maximum global divergence allowed for merging haplotypes. (default: 0.01)
--rmMisassembly_bool Break contigs at potential misassembled positions (default: False)
--correctErr_bool Perform error correction for input reads (default: False)
--minAbun_floats Minimum abundance for filtering haplotypes (default: 0.02)
--topks k seed reads size for haplotype construction (default: 100)
--minovlplens Minimum read overlap length. (default: 1000)
--minseedlens Minimum seed read length. (default: 2000)
--maxohs Maximum overhang length allowed for overlaps. (default: 20)
BonoboFlow can be run under different computing environments, simply choose an appropriate profile via the -profile
argument. Could take only -profile docker
Output fiiles
files of consensus sequences - one per sample
Pipeline information output
: Graphical representation of the pipeline's processes/operators and channels between them.
Mandatory parameters
: Path to input fastq dirctory--sample_id
: a csv file containing barcode_Ids and sample Ids--ref_genome
: reference sequence
Optional parameters
: barcods used during sequencing. The default barcoding kits are "EXP-NBD104 EXP-NBD114"--cpu
: cpus to used during the analyis. default is 8--lowerlength
: set the lower length for input reads filter (default: 150)--upperlength
: set the upper length for input reads filter (default: 100,000)
Mandatory parameters
: Path to output directory
Kindly report any issues at
This work is currently under peer review. A formal citation will be availed in due course.