An Educational Chatbot is a web application developed with the Django framework.Its primary purpose is to reduce the cost of the staff. To provide new technologies to the students and also to the university. Admin can see the performance of the chatbot through the generated graph by the user's feedback also we add a graph performance when the chatbot detects the AI Content it is probably used by the other robot so we inform the user to verify themselves by captcha or other technology. In this project, we developed a college-specific chatbot system that can be tailored to the education domain. By adding this chatbot system to the college website, it will increase user interaction because it is domain-specific and responds to user inquiries accurately.
Any university use this chatbot by providing the proper database in the same format of our json file and they can use this for their purpose. here we are done a survey at nirma university and create a database by our self.
Dataset1 :
Dataset2 :
Problem Statement :
The Technical Education Department faces challenges in effectively engaging with its diverse community, which includes students, faculty, and stakeholders. Traditional communication methods often lead to delays in response time, inadequate support, and difficulties in accessing relevant information, hindering the overall educational experience. To address these issues, there is a pressing need to design and develop an AI-powered chatbot that can provide real-time assistance, streamline information dissemination, and offer personalized support, ultimately enhancing the quality of technical education services.
Purpose :
The main goal of the project is to create an AI-powered chatbot specifically designed for the Technical Education Department, with an emphasis on improving efficiency, datadriven decision-making, and user assistance. This chatbot will be available around-the clock and respond to a wide range of user inquiries in a fast and accurate manner. Routine chores can be automated to save staff effort and perhaps save money. Additionally, it gathers insightful data that helps the agency make defensible judgments. The integration of active feedback and user-centric design enhances user pleasure, while the chatbot’s scalability establishes it as a role model for comparable establishments. To put it briefly, the project’s goal is to provide a scalable, user-friendly chatbot that will enhance the department’s instructional program and overall operational effectiveness.
Conclusion : In this project, we developed a college-specific chatbot system that can be tailored to the education domain. Adding this chatbot system to the college website, will increase user interaction because it is domain-specific and responds to user inquiries accurately.
This Project is done on a local host. We are also trying to make this project very efficient from the user's perspective. Trying to develop a new and advanced feature in it to improve our site. you can see a glimpse of the created website. We are doing this Project using technologies like Python, Machine Learning, NLP, Deep learning also advanced technology the framework is created using Django and includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, and Bootstrap.
here is the working site of our project :
1) How to run a server :
This is the main command of how to run a server on your django project
2) Server link :
Click on this given link and you will be able to run a website.
3) Main page of our site :
This is the main page of our site new user can first create their account by clicking the SignUp page and the existing User can Login to their account using The Signin page.
4) Sign Up page :
Fill all the details to maintain the users history.
5) Mail verification link :
Once you Sign Up to your account you will get a link for the verification on your registered mail id by confirming the link you will be able to sigin to this page. (This Verification link is only open through your pc's mail because this is a web application and done on a local host.)
6) Thankyou main from our site :
A Greetings by our robot.
7) Signin Page :
Login to our account through registered username and password.
8) Chatpage :
Here is your main chatbot conversation page where you can ask any question to the chatbot about the university. This is for the Use of Student, Faculty, Administrator and for the stackholder like (parents, industry partners, Government bodies and who are seeking department related updates and statistics.)
9) Feedback Page :
The user can feed us the feedback also by the review so that we know what is the performance of the chatbot and what new things we need to add in our sytsem.
10) Structured Chatbot : Here we are also created a Structured interaction of the chatbot where users can enter the topic they want and chatbot ask about the question where user do not need to print the questions many times.There will be links in this information to your services, goods, and contact details.