Social Media Monitoring /Twitter/ in python language.
- About the project
- Requirements
- Social Media Monitoring Steps
- Data Processing
- Sentiment Analysis with RNN
The main goal of this project is to scrape data from Twitter for a specific brand or product and try to classify the tweets sentimatically as negative or positive tweets.
Here is a list of some of the used libraries:
- d2l: for building the sentiment analysis model.
- demoji: for replacing the emojis in tweets with their description.
- snscrape: a library to scrap tweets.
- Nltk: for natural language processing.
In the following figure we can see the main steps of the project: First of all we should select a string to search for, then we need to scrape Twitter for posts containing that string. After that, the data will be cleaned, analyzed and presented in a way to show what sentiments are included in the tweets.
After scrapping data from Twitter. The following preprocessing pipeline will be apllied :
- Cleaning signs:
- Replacing emojis with their description.
- Data collected the web and specially from social media platform contain links and signs like (#) and (@)., we remove those signs.
- It is important to delete the links, since no sentiments can be discovered from the link text.
- Deleting punctuation marks and any non-Asci chars.
- NLP cleaning:
- We keep only English texts.
- Remove all the occurrences of the word that we have searched for.
- The names will be kept and other tokens will be transformed to their lemmas. The Data processing pipeline is shown in the following figure:
The idea is to represent each token using the pretrained GloVe model, and feed these token representations into a multilayer bidirectional RNN to obtain the text sequence representation, which will be transformed into sentiment analysis outputs.
The sentiment analysis model is inspired from: