Based Left-leaning Red-Black Trees, by Robert Sedgewick, doi://
For an example of how to use it, see the unit test. In a nutshell:
type intNode struct {
val int
left, right *intNode
color Color
// -1, if z < nd, 0 if z == nd, 1 if z > nd.
func (z intNode) Cmp(nd Node) int {
v := nd.(*intNode).val
if z.val < v {
return -1
} else if z.val == v {
return 0
} else {
return 1
func (z intNode) Left() (nd Node, ok bool) { return z.left, z.left != nil }
func (z intNode) Right() (nd Node, ok bool) { return z.right, z.right != nil }
func (z *intNode) SetLeft(nd Node) { (*z).left = nd.(*intNode) }
func (z *intNode) SetRight(nd Node) { (*z).right = nd.(*intNode) }
func (z intNode) Color() Color { return z.color }
func (z *intNode) SetColor(cl Color) { (*z).color = cl }
func (z *intNode) SetValue(nd Node) { z.val = nd.(*intNode).val }
func HarmlessTest(t *testing.T) {
var set SortedSet
Insert(&set, &intNode{val: 1})
if l := Len(set); l != 1 {
t.Errorf("expecting len 1, but got %d", l)
actual, found := Search(set, &intNode{val: 1})
if !found {
t.Errorf("expecting to find key, but was none.")
} else if actual.(*intNode).val != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expecting to find key 1, but was %d", actual.(*intNode).val)
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