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Merge pull request #167 from heplesser/fix85-stpd-precise-problems
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Added spike archiving and support for stdp-synapses to precise neurons
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tammoippen committed Dec 17, 2015
2 parents 470bf93 + c26463c commit 61abb1a
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Showing 7 changed files with 530 additions and 23 deletions.
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions precise/iaf_psc_alpha_canon.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -467,9 +467,8 @@ nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::emit_spike_( Time const& origin,
// we know that the potential is subthreshold at t0, super at t0+dt

// compute spike time relative to beginning of step
const double_t spike_offset = V_.h_ms_ - ( t0 + thresh_find_( dt ) );
S_.last_spike_step_ = origin.get_steps() + lag + 1;
S_.last_spike_offset_ = spike_offset;
S_.last_spike_offset_ = V_.h_ms_ - ( t0 + thresh_find_( dt ) );

// reset neuron and make it refractory
S_.y3_ = P_.U_reset_;
Expand All @@ -478,7 +477,7 @@ nest::iaf_psc_alpha_canon::emit_spike_( Time const& origin,
// send spike
set_spiketime( Time::step( S_.last_spike_step_ ), S_.last_spike_offset_ );
SpikeEvent se;
se.set_offset( spike_offset );
se.set_offset( S_.last_spike_offset_ );
network()->send( *this, se, lag );

Expand Down
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions precise/iaf_psc_exp_ps.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -442,10 +442,8 @@ nest::iaf_psc_exp_ps::emit_spike_( const Time& origin,
// we know that the potential is subthreshold at t0, super at t0+dt

// compute spike time relative to beginning of step
const double_t spike_offset = V_.h_ms_ - ( t0 + bisectioning_( dt ) );

S_.last_spike_step_ = origin.get_steps() + lag + 1;
S_.last_spike_offset_ = spike_offset;
S_.last_spike_offset_ = V_.h_ms_ - ( t0 + bisectioning_( dt ) );

// reset neuron and make it refractory
S_.y2_ = P_.U_reset_;
Expand All @@ -455,7 +453,7 @@ nest::iaf_psc_exp_ps::emit_spike_( const Time& origin,
set_spiketime( Time::step( S_.last_spike_step_ ), S_.last_spike_offset_ );
SpikeEvent se;

se.set_offset( spike_offset );
se.set_offset( S_.last_spike_offset_ );
network()->send( *this, se, lag );

Expand Down
40 changes: 26 additions & 14 deletions precise/parrot_neuron_ps.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,16 +64,23 @@ parrot_neuron_ps::update( Time const& origin, long_t const from, long_t const to
long_t const T = origin.get_steps() + lag;

double_t ev_offset;
double_t ev_weight;
double_t ev_multiplicity; // parrot stores multiplicity in weight
bool end_of_refract;

while ( B_.events_.get_next_spike( T, ev_offset, ev_weight, end_of_refract ) )
while ( B_.events_.get_next_spike( T, ev_offset, ev_multiplicity, end_of_refract ) )
const ulong_t multiplicity = static_cast< ulong_t >( ev_multiplicity );

// send spike
set_spiketime( Time::step( T + 1 ), ev_offset );
SpikeEvent se;
se.set_multiplicity( multiplicity );
se.set_offset( ev_offset );
network()->send( *this, se, lag );

for ( ulong_t i = 0; i < multiplicity; ++i )
set_spiketime( Time::step( T + 1 ), ev_offset );
Expand All @@ -94,17 +101,22 @@ parrot_neuron_ps::set_status( const DictionaryDatum& d )
parrot_neuron_ps::handle( SpikeEvent& e )
assert( e.get_delay() > 0 );

// We need to compute the absolute time stamp of the delivery time
// of the spike, since spikes might spend longer than min_delay_
// in the queue. The time is computed according to Time Memo, Rule 3.
long_t const Tdeliver = e.get_stamp().get_steps() + e.get_delay() - 1;

B_.events_.add_spike( e.get_rel_delivery_steps( network()->get_slice_origin() ),
e.get_weight() * e.get_multiplicity() );
// Repeat only spikes incoming on port 0, port 1 will be ignored
if ( 0 == e.get_rport() )
assert( e.get_delay() > 0 );

// We need to compute the absolute time stamp of the delivery time
// of the spike, since spikes might spend longer than min_delay_
// in the queue. The time is computed according to Time Memo, Rule 3.
const long_t Tdeliver = e.get_stamp().get_steps() + e.get_delay() - 1;

// parrot ignores weight of incoming connection, store multiplicity
B_.events_.add_spike( e.get_rel_delivery_steps( network()->get_slice_origin() ),
static_cast< double_t >( e.get_multiplicity() ) );

} // namespace
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pynest/nest/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
# along with NEST. If not, see <>.

# This script tests the parrot_neuron in NEST.
# See for an equivalent test of the precise parrot.

import nest
import unittest
Expand Down
262 changes: 262 additions & 0 deletions pynest/nest/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of NEST.
# Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
# NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with NEST. If not, see <>.

# This script tests the parrot_neuron_ps in NEST.
# It is very similar to, but uses precise spike times.

import nest
import unittest
import math

class ParrotNeuronPSTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Check parrot_neuron spike repetition properties"""

def setUp(self):

# set up source spike generator, as well as parrot neurons
self.spike_time = 1.01
self.delay = .2
self.source = nest.Create("spike_generator", 1,
{"spike_times": [self.spike_time],
'precise_times': True})
self.parrot = nest.Create('parrot_neuron_ps')
self.spikes = nest.Create("spike_detector",
params={'precise_times': True})

# record source and parrot spikes
nest.Connect(self.source, self.spikes)
nest.Connect(self.parrot, self.spikes)

def test_ParrotNeuronRepeatSpike(self):
"""Check parrot_neuron repeats spikes on port 0"""

# connect with arbitrary delay
nest.Connect(self.source, self.parrot, syn_spec={"delay": self.delay})
nest.Simulate(self.spike_time + 2 * self.delay)

# get spike from parrot neuron
events = nest.GetStatus(self.spikes)[0]["events"]
post_time = events['times'][events['senders'] == self.parrot[0]]

# assert spike was repeated at correct time
assert post_time, "Parrot neuron failed to repeat spike."
assert self.spike_time + self.delay == post_time, \
"Parrot neuron repeated spike at wrong delay"

def test_ParrotNeuronIgnoreSpike(self):
"""Check parrot_neuron ignores spikes on port 1"""

# connect with arbitrary delay to port 1
nest.Connect(self.source, self.parrot,
syn_spec={"receptor_type": 1, "delay": self.delay})
nest.Simulate(self.spike_time + 2. * self.delay)

# get spike from parrot neuron, assert it was ignored
events = nest.GetStatus(self.spikes)[0]["events"]
post_time = events['times'][events['senders'] == self.parrot[0]]
assert len(post_time) == 0, \
"Parrot neuron failed to ignore spike arriving on port 1"

def test_ParrotNeuronOutgoingMultiplicity(self):
Check parrot_neuron correctly repeats multiple spikes
The parrot_neuron receives two spikes in a single time step.
We check that both spikes are forwarded to the spike_detector.

# connect twice
nest.Connect(self.source, self.parrot, syn_spec={"delay": self.delay})
nest.Connect(self.source, self.parrot, syn_spec={"delay": self.delay})
nest.Simulate(self.spike_time + 2. * self.delay)

# get spikes from parrot neuron, assert two were transmitted
events = nest.GetStatus(self.spikes)[0]["events"]
post_times = events['times'][events['senders'] == self.parrot[0]]
assert len(post_times) == 2 and post_times[0] == post_times[1], \
"Parrot neuron failed to correctly repeat multiple spikes."

class ParrotNeuronPSPoissonTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Check parrot_neuron spike repetition properties"""

def test_ParrotNeuronIncomingMultiplicity(self):
Check parrot_neuron heeds multiplicity information in incoming spikes.
This test relies on the fact that poisson_generator transmits
multiple spikes during a time step using multiplicity, and that
these spikes are delivered directly, i.e., without multiplicity-
unrolling in send_remote().
We create a high-rate poisson_generator. If parrot_neuron
ignored multiplicity, it would only transmit one spike per time
step. We chain two parrot_neurons to check against any loss.
Note: Even though we test parrot_neuron_ps, we drive it with the
plain poisson_generator, since only that generator uses multiplicity.

# set up source spike generator, as well as parrot neurons
h = 0.1 # ms
rate = 1000000. # spikes / s
delay = 1. # ms
t_base = 1000. # ms
t_sim = t_base + 3 * delay # after t_sim, spikes from t_base arrived
spikes_expected = rate * t_base / 1000.
spikes_std = math.sqrt(spikes_expected)

# if the test is to be meaningful we must expect signficantly more
# spikes than time steps
assert spikes_expected - 3 * spikes_std > 10. * t_sim / h, \
"Internal inconsistency: too few spikes."

nest.SetKernelStatus({'resolution': h,
'grng_seed': 123,
'rng_seeds': [456]})

source = nest.Create('poisson_generator', params={'rate': rate})
parrots = nest.Create('parrot_neuron_ps', 2)
detect = nest.Create('spike_detector', params={'precise_times': True})

nest.Connect(source, parrots[:1], syn_spec={'delay': delay})
nest.Connect(parrots[:1], parrots[1:], syn_spec={'delay': delay})
nest.Connect(parrots[1:], detect)


n_spikes = nest.GetStatus(detect)[0]['n_events']
assert n_spikes > spikes_expected - 3 * spikes_std, \
"parrot_neuron loses spikes."
assert n_spikes < spikes_expected + 3 * spikes_std, \
"parrot_neuron adds spikes."

class ParrotNeuronPSSTDPTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
Check STDP protocol between two parrot_neurons_ps connected by a stdp_synapse.
Exact pre- and post-synaptic spike times are set by spike_generators
connected to each parrot neuron. Additional spikes sent through the
stdp_synapse are explicitly ignored in the postsynaptic parrot_neuron_ps
by setting the stdp_synapse to connect to port 1.

def run_protocol(self, dt):

"""Set up a network with pre-post spike pairings with t_post - t_pre = dt"""


# set pre and postsynaptic spike times
delay = 1. # delay for connections
dspike = 100. # ISI

# set the correct real spike times for generators (correcting for delays)
pre_times = [100., 100. + dspike]
post_times = [k+dt for k in pre_times]

# create spike_generators with these times
pre_spikes = nest.Create("spike_generator",
params={"spike_times": pre_times,
'precise_times': True})
post_spikes = nest.Create("spike_generator",
params={"spike_times": post_times,
'precise_times': True})

# create parrot neurons and connect spike_generators
pre_parrot = nest.Create("parrot_neuron_ps", 1)
post_parrot = nest.Create("parrot_neuron_ps", 1)

nest.Connect(pre_spikes, pre_parrot, syn_spec={"delay": delay})
nest.Connect(post_spikes, post_parrot, syn_spec={"delay": delay})

# create spike detector
spikes = nest.Create("spike_detector",
params={'precise_times': True})
nest.Connect(pre_parrot, spikes)
nest.Connect(post_parrot, spikes)

# connect both parrot neurons with a stdp synapse onto port 1
# thereby spikes transmitted through the stdp connection are
# not repeated postsynaptically.
syn_spec = {
"model": "stdp_synapse",
"receptor_type": 1, # set receptor 1 postsynaptically, to not generate extra spikes
conn_spec = {
"rule": "one_to_one",
nest.Connect(pre_parrot, post_parrot, syn_spec=syn_spec, conn_spec=conn_spec)

# get STDP synapse and weight before protocol
syn = nest.GetConnections(source=pre_parrot, synapse_model="stdp_synapse")
syn_status = nest.GetStatus(syn)[0]
w_pre = syn_status['weight']

last_time = max(pre_times[-1], post_times[-1])
nest.Simulate(last_time + 2 * delay)

# get weight post protocol
syn_status = nest.GetStatus(syn)[0]
w_post = syn_status['weight']

return w_pre, w_post

def test_ParrotNeuronSTDPProtocolPotentiation(self):
"""Check pre-post spike pairings between parrot_neurons increments weights."""

dt = 10.
w_pre, w_post = self.run_protocol(dt)
assert w_pre < w_post, "Parrot neuron STDP potentiation protocol failed to elicit positive weight changes."

def test_ParrotNeuronSTDPProtocolDepression(self):
"""Check post-pre spike pairings between parrot_neurons decrement weights."""

dt = -10.
w_pre, w_post = self.run_protocol(dt)
assert w_pre > w_post, "Parrot neuron STDP potentiation protocol failed to elicit negative weight changes."

def suite():

# makeSuite is sort of obsolete
# using loadTestsFromTestCase instead.
suite1 = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(ParrotNeuronPSTestCase)
suite2 = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(ParrotNeuronPSPoissonTestCase)
suite3 = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(ParrotNeuronPSSTDPTestCase)
return unittest.TestSuite([suite1, suite2, suite3])

def run():
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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