Merge branch 'kylecannon-defaultValueRegression' (590c2ad )
fix(): use default value in object types (fc2a157 )
Merge branch 'defaultValueRegression' of into kylecannon-defaultValueRegression (6b4af75 )
Merge pull request #873 from nestjs/renovate/nestjs-mapped-types-0.x (fb84863 )
fix(deps): update dependency @nestjs/mapped-types to v0.0.4 (5b1b126 )
chore(deps): update dependency @types/jest to v25.2.2 (3aa23e8 )
show regression of defaultValue not providing defaultValue along with it being considered nullable when it shouldnt be (19bf326 )
chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v2.33.0 (3b62e8d )
chore(deps): update nest monorepo to v7.0.11 (80e9fb8 )
chore(deps): update apollo graphql packages to v2.13.1 (01ee594 )
chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v2.32.0 (8099c53 )
chore(deps): update dependency ts-jest to v25.5.1 (ba1cbb1 )
chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v7 (ec85319 )
Merge pull request #844 from nestjs/renovate/apollo-federation-0.x (900ab1b )
chore(deps): update dependency @apollo/federation to v0.15.0 (2229686 )
Merge pull request #845 from nestjs/renovate/apollo-gateway-0.x (0530e92 )
Merge pull request #850 from danielsantiago/master (e1caaa8 )
Merge pull request #851 from nestjs/renovate/tslib-1.x (a8a5371 )
fix(): override req property only if not an object (420be79 )
Merge branch 'master' of (26def3c )
fix(): fix typo in field options interface (9919343 )
chore(deps): update dependency ts-jest to v25.5.0 (f41b76c )
fix(deps): update dependency tslib to v1.11.2 (120de2e )
feat(): expose type metadata storage instance (66575cf )
chore(deps): update dependency jest to v26.0.1 (d4aa2bf )
chore(deps): update dependency jest to v26 (cdbde4a )
chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v2.31.0 (bde6961 )
chore(deps): update apollo graphql packages to v2.13.0 (8c15bd8 )
chore(deps): update dependency @apollo/gateway to v0.15.0 (de5efcd )
You can’t perform that action at this time.