.net application inspector
Release 1.1
- Permissive injection through IPC and TCP remoting.
ApplicationProbe.Start<IPCProbeProvider>(properties) //properties: portName
ApplicationProbe.Start<TCPProbeProvider>(properties) //properties: port
NOTE: properties is a string dictionary which you can set.
- Supports .NET compiled scripts and IronRuby scripts and script files
- Visual Studio 2010
- Host must must be compiled with .NET 3.5 and 4.0
- Get the latest codes
- if you have rake, run
rake rebuild
- if you don’t have rake, copy the contents of lib/4.5 to lib/
- rebuild the solution
- Add RedSpect.Shared.dll to your application (ruby scripting requires, Microsoft.Scripting.dll, IronRuby.dll and IronRuby.Libraries.dll)
- Insert in your startup,
- Run your application
- Run the inspector,
- Type
. If successful, you’ll be connected to the running host.
- Create a class and inherit,
CommandGroupBase, IInspectorCommandGroup
- For each command follow this pattern.
public ActionResult SampleCommand(object args)
- Add in your startup using