A basic NPM package to fetch data about the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak.
Installing covid19-data
is easy. Just run the following command to add it to your NPM project...
npm i covid19-data
There are no methods on the covid19-data
package other than the default one. You can use the package to either get information about every country - including data about the world - or about a specific country.
The default method takes one parameter - country
. If this parameter is not provided, the package returns an array full of data about every country, including the world (this is at index 0 of the array).
const covid = require('covid19-data');
// get data about every country, including the world
const everyCountry = await covid();
// get data about a specific country - in this case the UK
const uk = await covid('uk');
When the country has been inputted, the package returns an object like this:
country: string,
cases: number,
todayCases: number,
deaths: number,
todayDeaths: number,
recovered: number,
critical: number
When the country has not been provided, it outputs an array of the schema. At index 0, there is a version of the schema that has the country set to null
that represents an overview of the world as a whole.
is licensed using the MIT license.
This means that you can...
- Use the package for commercial purposes.
- Modify the package.
- Distribute the package.
- Sublicense the package.
- Use the package for private use.
This also means you can not...
- Hold the author liable. The work is provided "as is"
In order to be able to do this you must...
- Include the copyright notice in all copies or substantial uses of the work.
- Include the license notice in all copies or substantial uses of the work.