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Foundation SPA React: Webpack add-ons

This library contains the Webpack add-ons to build, bundle and distribute an Episerver Foundation React based SPA. For a full example project based upon this library head over to Foundation Spa React.

You can request a demo of the project by one of our Episerver experts on Get a demo.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

To create an optimized build of the Episerver React based SPA, a number of steps need to be automated by Webpack. Not all these steps are easily possible with existing add-ons. The missing ones are added through this librariy

2. Installation

npm install --save-dev git+

3. Utitilty commands

When installed into a project, this library makes the following commands available:

Command Purpose Assumptions
npx epi-auth Login against the selected Episerver Instance and store the authentication on disk The Episerver Content Delivery API, OAuth Service has been configured and is working.
npx epi-sync-models Create local - typescript (*.ts) - definitions of the IContent types registered in the Episerver Instance. The ContentDelivery project from Foundation-Spa-React has been installed in your project.

All commands share the same CLI Parameters:

Parameter short Purpose
--environment -e Define the environment name, as used by the configuration loader.
--domain -d Override the Episerver Domain from the configuration with the one specified here.
--insecure -i Disable certificate checking, usefull when working on localhost without a valid certificate chain
--version Check the currently installed version of this library
--help Display this help information on the CLI

4. Environment configuration

This library provides a configuration helper, which enables you to use a .env file to ensure no environment specific values (paths, credentials, etc..) are committed to your source control system of choice. Do include a .env.dist file with sane defaults for your project.

When working with multiple environments, the library supports the following setup using various .env files.

File Purpose
.env.dist Distributed template to create specific .env files
.env Main environment file loaded for all build types
.env.local Local overrides of the .env file
.env.${env-name}.local Local overrides for a specific environment

Supported environment variables

The following environment variables are supported by the main configuration helper.

Variable Purpose Example Function(s)
EPI_ENV The currently targeted build environment development getEpiEnvironment()
EPI_URL The location where Episerver is running getEpiserverURL()
PUBLIC_URL The location where the SPA will be running getPublicUrl()
SERVER_PATH The path within the project where the server-side rendering code resides server getServerPath()
SRC_PATH The path within the project where the main browser side code resides src getSourcePath()
EPI_DEPLOY_PATH The service endpoint to send the deployment to /api/episerver/v3/deploy ...
EPI_PATH The (relative) path from the main project folder to the main Episerver web project ../Foundation getEpiPath()
EPI_FORMS_PATH The (relative) path from EPI_PATH to the location where the Episerver Forms scripts are located Scripts/EPiServer.ContentApi.Forms/ getEpiserverFormsDir()
EPI_FORMS_INCLUDE Flag to indicate if the Episerver Forms module must be made available in the SPA 0 isEpiserverFormsEnabled()

5. Example usage

Use inside the Webpack config file to build an .env based build (for example: webpack.config.js):

const EpiWebpack = require('@episerver/webpack');

module.exports = (env) => {
    //Prepare configuration
    const epiEnv = env.EPI_ENV || process.env.EPI_ENV;
    const config = new EpiWebpack.Config(__dirname, env, epiEnv);
    //Only excerpt shown to illustrate working principle
    return {
        devServer: {
            port: config.getEnvVariable("DEV_PORT", "9000")
        output: {
			publicPath: config.getWebPath()


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