Pending approval or rejection. This issue is pending approval.
Accepted and waiting to be taken care of
Ready to be released and/or waiting for tests to finish
anything to do with apache not working
A backport was requested for this pull request
Blocked by an upstream repo or project.
anything to do with redis or opcache
Anything to do with continuous integration or continuous deployment or release automation.
Anything to do with cronjobs related to nextcloud.
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Related to design, interface, interaction design, UX, etc.
Pull requests that update Docker code
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Anything related to email server configuration
Topics related to external databases, such as mariaDB or PostgreSQL
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
Small tasks with clear documentation about how and in which place you need to fix things in.
Extra attention is needed
horizontal pod autoscaling - triggers a testing workflow
Anything to do with ingress or ingress controllers
Compatibility with other apps/systems