v 1.0.3 - 2023-06-05 - Golden Wombat
v1.0.3 - [2023-06-05] - Golden Wombat
- Licence, contact, source information for AmpliconArchitect and PrepareAA python scripts - Recommendation by @SPPearce
- documentation about absolute path needed of AmpliconArchitect data repository - Recommendation by @SPPearce
- ampliconclassifier stub run tests
- new version of circdna metromap with updated colors
- note that ATAC-seq should be used in caution with the pipeline.
- build docker container for prepareaa -> Needs to be built first and will be included in the next release - Thanks to @ewels
- nf-core template update 2.8 - Thanks to the nf-core team
- newest versions of
- Recommendation and help from @jluebeck
- Circle_finder bug with bash sort command wanting to write into /tmp/ directory and not into work directory
- Usage.md updated to new paths and addition of nf-core modules
- Local python scripts not included in the pipeline
- Local versions of nf-core modules
Thanks to the reviewers @jluebeck and @SPPearce for providing relevant feedback for improvements and clarity of nf-core/circdna. Also thanks to @ewels for the comprehensive help in building the docker image for PrepareAA
for future releases.