Audit and test module for Polly, a deterministic Bitcoin hardware wallet adhering to BIP32.
Polly development has been put on hold indefinitely. See the project wiki page for more information (
Tested with Python 3.3 and 3.4.
- Python 3.x
- pycoin (
- pbkdf2
- pyserial (for Bluetooth)
- Cython (for USB)
- cython-hidapi (
- Install Python 3.4 (make sure Python34 and Python34/Scripts are in your path)
- Clone pollyaudit (
- In pollyaudit folder, update the pollycom submodule (git submodule init; git submodule update)
- If USB connection is required, follow the steps in the next section here (not recommended)
- Install pycoin (pip install "pycoin==0.4")
- Install pbkdf2 (pip install pbkdf2)
- Install pyserial (pip install pyserial)
- Pair Polly with host machine over Bluetooth using passcode 1234, or connect via USB
- Go to the pollyaudit source folder and run
Setting up USB is currently quite messy and involved. A future release will streamline this process.
- Clone cython-hidapi (
- Cython requires a C compiler. Follow the instructions at to install a free C compiler that will work on 32 or 64 bit machines.
- Open the SDK command window (Programs > Microsoft Windows SDK v7.x > Microsoft Windows SDK v7.x Command Prompt) and enter the commands below for a 64-bit machine. The setenv line can me modified for 32-bit machines by replacing /x64 with /x86.
- setenv /x64 /release
- From the SDK command window, install cython (pip install cython)
- From the SDK command window, go to the cython-hidapi source folder and install (' install')