These packages alow us to perfrom certain tasks on OHmnibot:
Clone the ohmni_amcl inside the local machine and build with catkin_make
#mounting a directory inside the Ohmnibot ROS docker environment
In bot cli> docker run -it --network host --privileged -v /data/data/com.ohmnilabs.telebot_rtc/files:/app -v /dev:/dev -e ROS_IP=[bot_ip] [tb_control_docker_image]
Create the ohmni_ws directory to contain the developing source code.
Clone rplidar_ros and ohmni_gui_bridge packages inside the ohmni_ws/src directory and run catkin_make to build the packages
The Lidar port might changes when we restart the bot so follow this step to redirect the port:
Ohmni_ws> cd src/rplidar_ros/launch
Use Vim to edit the file rplidar.launch - Change the serial port value accordingly (Usually /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyUSB1)
Set up the environment.
In bot ohmni_ws> source devel/setup.bash
In bot ohmni_ws> roslaunch rplidar_ros rplidar.launch
In local machine> export ROS_IP=[local_machine_ip]
In local machine> export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://[bot_ip]:11311
Mapping the work environment
In local machine> rviz # Open rviz and change the fixed frame into map,
#Use rqt_robot_steering to manually control the bot around the place.
In local machine> rosrun rqt_robot_steering rqt_robot_steering
#Run Ros gmapping.
In local machine> rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=/scan
In local machine> rosrun map_server map_saver -f ~/map #After completed mapping
- Note: the map.pgm and map.yaml should be save to the maps folder inside the package.
Perform simple localization using ROS amcl
In local machine> roslaunch ohmni_amcl ohmni_amcl.launch
Set up the environment.
# Run webserver for the GUI using rosbridge.
In bot ohmni_ws> roslaunch ohmni_gui_bridge websocket.launch
# Navigate to the directory with the .html file and run a Python http server
In bot ohmni_ws> cd src/ohmni_gui_bridge/gui
In bot ohmni_ws> python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Afterwards you should be able to go to http://localhost:8000/ and you should see a directory listing containing the gui.html file. Click on it and it should open your website on the Ohmni touch screen web browser.
Set up the environment.
- We use ESP32 module to collect external data (SpO2 sensor, temperature sensor, ...)
- Server HiveMQ:
Run ESP32_Hive_MQ.ino file.
Note: For convenience, we simulate the measured values from the sensor using the included real-time matching random function.
- Replace your SSID, password to connect HiveMQ server.
- Data will be retrieved from hiveMQ server and displayed on screen Ohmni Robot
These packages alow us to perfrom certain tasks on OHmnibot:
pip install imutils pip install qrcode pip install pyautogui pip install numpy pip install opencv-python pip install opencv-contrib-python pip install pyzbar
use: pyautogui.screenshot("screenshot.png")
This code help take the screenshot and create image "screenshot.png"
use: img = cv2.imread("screenshot.png") This code use opencv2 to open the image "screenshot.png"
use: cv2.imshow('Result', imutils.resize(img, width=600)) This code show the result qr code data.
use: for barcode in decode(img): myData ='utf-8') print(myData) pts = np.array([barcode.polygon], np.int32) pts = pts.reshape((-1, 1, 2)) cv2.polylines(img, [pts], True, (255, 0, 255), 5) pts2 = barcode.rect cv2.putText(img, myData, (pts2[0], pts2[1]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.9, (255, 0, 255), 2) This code can transform qrcode image from "screenshot.png" to myData and show data.
use: path = 'screenshot.png' os.remove(path) This code can remove file "screenshot.png" when finished reading QRcode