Simple prototyping kit for GOV.UK service designers. This kit does not contain all of the functionality of the express kit, however, you will not need node.js or git experience, and you will not need to run anything in command line.
Created internally at Home Office Digital - not supported, not created by GDS, supplied as-is
This is not finished! It's Alpha Alpha!
- A mac (sorry, this isn't tested on PCs yet)
- Some HTML knowledge
First, either:
- Download a zip of this repository from and unzip it to your computer
- OR -
- If you're comfortable with git, either clone the repo in the git desktop client or via command line (
git clone
Once you have the folder on your computer, you will see the index.html and example files. The example files contain demonstrations of various pieces of functionality. index.html has buttons to guide you through each page. Full instructions on each demo to follow.
There are 2 options here. You can either open index.html in Safari or Firefox directly or you can run a small script which will allow you to use chrome.
- Cmd + click index.html in Finder
- Open With
- Select Safari or Firefox
You may see an unauthorised developer warning message. If you do, cmd + click and click "open" instead (thanks Joe)
- Double click run.command (see above if you get a warning)
- In chrome, go to http://localhost:1987/index.html
A good place to start in index.html.
- Open this in your chosen HTML editor (if you don't have one, see
- Hack away! Change some content, add some buttons or form fields according to your design
- Press refresh in your browser.
There is a file called service-name.txt which looks like this:
Digital Service Name
- Open it
- Change it to your service name
- Save it
- Full instructions on the examples pages