This repo contains notebooks that will run the different types of quark/gluon classifiers, all optimized and trained to convergence.
To run, you will want to use a GPU. I recommend CoLab. To open these notebooks, go to and click on Github. Type "nickchak21" into the Github URL space, and select the nickchak21/QuarkGluonClassifiers repository. You will then see a list of notebooks, and you can choose the one you wish to run.
Another way to open the notebooks is to go .ipynb file on Github and click on "Open with Colab" at the top of file.
You will also want to make sure you are running the notebook on a GPU. To do this, select "Runtime" at the top and click "Change Runtime Type". Change the hardware accelerator to "GPU". Make sure you complete this step BEFORE running any code, or you will have to start over with running the notebook.