My lunarvim configuration. This is mainly the default Lunarvim configuration, but with support for things I use often:
- typescript
- javascript
- tailwindcss
- ember
- react
Made with help from
Press control + j
and control + k
to cycle through tailwind classes and typescript autocompletion.
Press space + \
` to activate the Code Actions Menu. Press a number to select the code fix.
Press control + s
to save and auto format.
# save a backup of your current config
mv ~/.config/lvim ~/.config/lvim_backup
# clone this code into your lunarvim config directory
git clone h ~/.config/lvim
# update lunarvim and reset the cache
lvim +LvimUpdate +LvimCacheReset +q
# install the plugins in this configuration
lvim # run :PackerSync
# for: nvim-telescope/telescope-live-grep-args.nvim
brew install ripgrep
# for prettier
npm/yarn install -g prettier
# for eslint
npm/yarn install -g eslint
Files in lua/user
can be required with just using user
-- Example
When opened with (spacebar) Lc (Lunar -> config), the import will work correctly.